Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday March 8, 2010

1730: Monday moaning started out slow. Nancy had a Blodgett Board meeting so she did not have to get up early. I slept in until 0645. Even Ms P did not want to get up. After I finished my morning routine and breakfast I tried to activate my replacement phone. No luck, so I called Verizon and spoke to a human. The bottom line was that SCECO had to send a fax on company letterhead to state that I was authorized to use the phone. I have been using it for the past 10 years. Carol and Donni at LSE were very patient. I was just mad. I still cannot use the phone.

I rode the AT to the MAC today. The sidewalks were 99% dry. After my morning routine at the MAC, I headed to the Kava House. It was about 15 degrees warmer than when I left home. I worked up a sweat and will have to make a clothes and helmet adjustment tomorrow. Because of all the delays attributed to the cell phone I did not get to the Kava House until 1200. I read both the DFP and WSJ. I got home about 1330. I had a lot of errands to run today so I loaded Ms P into the C2 and headed out. First we stopped at Mr. Thang's to get a new zipper on my leather jacket. We then stopped at Comcast and I ordered 3 months of HBO. I want to watch the Pacific series that starts this Sunday. It cost $10 per month and we get 10 HBO channels. Ms P and I then stopped at Costco and I purchase some kickapoo juice for the contact. Finally we stopped at Staples to purchase another plastic storage container for all the family memorabilia. When I got home I took a short walk around the neighborhood. Nancy worked at Meijer Garden this afternoon and she got home about 1700.

2115: Tonight was cereal night. I also had some wine. We watched the news and then several cable news show. At 2000 I watched, Nancy read, a Band of Brothers on HBO. It was about the 101 Airborne training for D Day.

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