Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Monday March 29, 2010

Yesterday I noticed that the Taurus was overdue for a servicing. I decided that on Monday I would take it in before leaving for Cleveland. I was going to sleep and forego any exercise. However, I was wide awake at 0600 so I did my morning routine at 50%. At 0750 Nancy and I piled into the Taurus and headed to the MAC. I dropped Nancy off and headed to the Ford dealer. I got done in time to pick Nancy up after her body pump class. We stopped at home loaded the car and grabbed Ms P and headed for Ohio.

We were making good time when I realized that we would be in Cleveland before Missy and Akerke got home. Accordingly, we made a side trip to Ikea on Ford Road just off 275. Nancy made several purchases. We even had time for a hot dog lunch. We got to Missy's house around 1715. Missy got home at 1800.

Missy had a gift coupon so we ate dinner at the Pub. I had a Newcastle beer, very good, and Shepherd's Pie. Nancy and Missy had something healthy. After dinner we watched a little TV and then headed for bed. It was a long day.

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