Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday March 10, 2010

1647: The alarm goes off at 0545 and I hustle to get ready for the 0700 Breakfast Club. I took Ms P out and noticed that we had our first rain of 2010. Snow is not rain. Today's Breakfast Club was well attended. The speaker is director of Kent County's Waste to Energy Plant. He was introduced by Dave Despres who used to be his boss. Dave also use to be my boss. It was a good presentation with plenty of questions. After the meeting I drove downtown to pay a eye doctor bill. I also stopped at the Kava House to read the DFP. I will read the WSJ tonight when I have dinner at Olga's Kitchen.

I checked my email and then got on my AT and pedaled to the MAC. I swam 1,000 yards in 28'00". There was a woman in the next lane who was twice as fast. As I was getting dressed a member told me that it was starting to rain hard. I thought I would have to pedal home in heavy rain. However, it did not rain, in fact the sun came out.

I spent a hour reading on my computer. I read "US NEWS", the Daily Beast, and the Alpena News. In the past month, two of my high school classmates have died. That news was a bummer. I am also applying for a rebate on my new cell phone. However, I threw away the box the phone came in. The instructions say I need this data, so I emailed Verizon to ask what can I do.

I called Tom Cassell this afternoon. Tom was one of my best friends in high school. Tom is about 6'5" and weighs close to 300#. He was a good football player. Tom is now retired but his last job of about 15 years was driving truck. He drove all over the US. I asked about his favorite routes and the best route for me if I drive to CA. I got out an atlas as Tom pointed out the most scenic routes. We talked for about 45 minutes.

Nancy got home early from the Gardens and is now cooking corn meal bread and her special soup. Book Club starts at 6. I will start walking to Olga's about 1730.

2005: It was a nice warm evening for the short walk to Olga's Kitchen. I had a bowl of Peasant Soup, 4 on a 4 scale, and a tuna sandwich, another 4. I am now sitting in the office drinking a beer and writing this blog. As soon as book club ends I will head downstairs and get a piece of blueberry pie. Blueberry pie with ice cream a great way to end the day.

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