Thursday, December 29, 2022

December 28, 2022

 Wednesday December 28, 2022.

Blog time 1030 at Panera on Thursday.  Yes a day late again.

Wednesday my easy day.  Up at 0715, dress and headed to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.  Not much time to spend at Panera because the Plumber comes at 0900.

In fact he arrived at 0915 and got right to work.  The buyer of our condo wanted some plumbing issues taken care of before he moves in.  Showed the plumber what work was needed.  He said said “piece of cake”. They were done in 90 minutes.  

We spent a good portion of the day getting ready for our big move.  Missy and I made a trip to Good Will to drop of a big package of items we did not need.  Things like surgical boots, toilet plunger, pots and pans, etc.  Also put a lot of frozen food items into the trash.  On our way to Good Will we stopped at Starbucks so Missy could get special mucha mocha.  At the Chow Hound bought a 30# bag of corn on the cob.

The temperature today finally got above freezing.  We will have above freezing temps through New Years Day.

AJ and I put out corn for the deer and picked up empty cobs.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed the Christmas Day meal we purchased at D&W.  It was good.  Ham, mashed potatoes, creamed beans and pumpkin pie.  Very good.

Tonight Nancy, Missy and I watched an episode of Republic of Doyle. AJ watched a show on her iPhone.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Temperature was still above freezing.  I did scare two bunnies in the courtyard.

December 27, 2022

 Tuesday December 27, 2022

Blog time 1110 at Panera

Up this morning at 0730.  Checked weather,  temps in 20s all day, no snow.  Opened garage and backed out the Escape.

Nancy looked outside and saw several cars successfully driving up the Tahoe hill.  Decided she would drive to MVP for a ride on stationary bike and a walk on Treadmill.  

I called Don Somerdyke our plumber.  He will come Wednesday morning to fix some plumbing problems the buyer of our condo wants fixed.

I fixed an oatmeal breakfast with blueberries.  On my way to Y stopped at Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim who cleans on Thursday.  Kim called later and will not come this Thursday.

Missy and AJ are flying in tonight.  After I finish my coffee I will drive to Dick’s Sporting Goods to buy an air mattress for AJ to sleep on.

We did not go to Dick’s because we found a big blow up mattress that we must have bought at Costco.  I unpacked the mattress and plugged it in.  The Queen size mattress was inflated in less than a minute.  It looks good.

Put out corn for deer.  We had 7 visit the back yard.  They must be very hungry.

Today we drove to Leo’s for our Tuesday night hot dog.  Leo’s was empty.

At home we watched the news and an episode of “Murder in Paradise”.  At 2145 we got in Escape and headed to the airport. Let Nancy off and I drove to the cell phone lot.  The plane arrive right on time, 1015.  

It was great to see Missy and AJ.  They has a smooth flight.

We got everyone settled in before snacks and a talk.  Nancy and I headed to bed at midnight.

I did check the courtyard before bed.  Temp was in low 20s.  Thaw comes tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

December 26, 2022

 December 25 and 26

Blog time 2100 on the 26th in Den.

On Christmas Day we got up at 0730.  The snow continued all night with temps in teens.  

Turned on the tree lights and opened presents.  

Checked the TV weather and were told to stay inside all day.  We complied.

It was blowing and snowing all day.  Wind chills below or near zero.

I brought up the Keurig and made coffee.  I had a scone for breakfast.   Our Sunday paper did not arrive until noon.

At 1400 Nancy warmed up our D&W Holiday meal.  We had roast chicken, creamed green beans, dressing.  For dessert we had pumpkin pie.  Very good.

We FaceTimed Missy.  She and AJ spent time at the beach.  She and AJ will fly into GR late Tuesday.

The news tonight was all about the Christmas week blizzard.  Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  

It snowed most of the day but we did see some critters finally moving about.  Several deer were in the back yard and noted several rabbits in the Courtyard.

Monday December 6,  up this morning at 0700.  It looks like the blizzard has abated.  Today is a holiday so no mails and the banks are closed.  

Nancy thought the roads were still to treacherous so no MVP for her.  I got dressed fixed an oatmeal breakfast.

My skin doctor says I can do some gentle walking.  So I drove to the Y and walked 30 minutes on the track.

After, I drove home, picked up Nancy and headed to Panera.  Temp was in low 20s but still light snow.  At Panera we got coffee and I got a baguette and Nancy a blueberry scone.

After Panera we drove to Meijer’s for some supplies.  I also picked up my MG prescription.  Drove straight home after shopping.

We spent the rest of the day inside.  I finished writing checks to various charities we give to annually.

I scrapped a hole in 4 locations in the back yard and put two ears of corn in each.  Within 30 minutes there were 7 deer fighting for the corn.  They must be very hungry.

Had a scone for lunch.  For dinner I had yogurt, pudding and an apple.  Tonight we watched two episodes “Three Pines”.

We did FaceTime Debbie today.  She was in her car with Alessandra and Veronica.  They were heading to the Mall.

Made a quick check of the Courtyard before bed.  Scared up several bunnies. I think they are eating berries on some bushes in Courtyard.  Temperature in mid teens.  Tomorrow will be our last day with temps below freezing.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

December 24, 2022

 Saturday December 24, 2022


Blog time 1230 sitting in Den.

Up at 0715.  Checked out side, the temp was 12 but wind in 20 mph range.  Bitterly cold.  Tahoe Drive and our walk had not been plowed.  Looks like we will shelter in place today.

Nancy thawed out a scone for breakfast and I brought up the coffee machine.  Drank coffee, ate the scone and watched the storm reports on the local TV station.  Channel 8 had all their weather staff on duty.  Bottom line the Christmas Week blizzard was one for the books.

Read the local papers and my emails until 1030.  We had ordered our Christmas Dinner from D&W and had to pick it up before noon.  Nancy and I bundled up and headed out.  

Our drive had been plowed but Tahoe Drive had not.  It was a difficult drive to D&W.  Luckily the store is about a mile from the Condo.

Picked up our Christmas Dinner and were headed out when we ran into a neighbor who happens to be on the Board of Trinity Lutheran.  She said that all Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services had been canceled.

I had never heard of a “Bomb Cyclone” before this week.  But it sure is impacting this Holiday Week.

Kent County Airport is closed.  Missy had planned on flying into GR on Christmas Day.  She changed her arrival until Tuesday.

Nancy’s sister, Peg, called this afternoon.  Peg lives in Ma.  It is cold in Ma but very little snow.

Missy called.  Since she cannot leave for GR until Tuesday she might be driving up to SJ to visit Debbie and Steve’s family who are also visiting Debbie.  Missy did not go.

At 1800 we turned on channel 8 news to get the latest weather update.  Looks like we will be snowed in until Monday.

Light dinner tonight.  So light I can’t remember.

We watched an episode of “Slow Horses” followed by “One Lane Bridge”.  

Checked Courtyard before Bed.  It was cold, windy and snowing.  More of the same tomorrow.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

December 23, 2022

 Friday December 22, 2022

Blog time 1313 sitting in living room

We slept in until 0800 this morning.  Temperature was 7 with winds of 20mph.  Wind chill is a negative number. It has snowed all night and snow will continue until late Saturday.

I was surprised that our walk and drive had been plowed.  I needed my morning coffee, so bundled up and headed to Panera.

The roads were in poor condition with plenty of drifting.  Luckily, no traffic so I stayed in the middle of the road.  Thank God for AWD.

I was first customer at Panera.  Ordered our coffee and three croissants.  Drove straight home.  

Nancy and I sat at the Kitchen table enjoying our coffee and croissant.  Feels good sitting in warm house and looking out the window to see the blowing snow.

Finished Thursday’s blog.  As I was ready to post it disappeared into never-never land.  Called Missy to see if I could restore but no luck.  Did a quick rewrite.

Sister, Helen, called from AZ to gloat.  She saw on the news that West Mi was getting hammered by the storm.  Her daughter Jennifer had called from Gaylord, Mi and said that Gaylord has shut down.  

The news media are calling it the Christmas Week blizzard.  Snow fall and wind chill records are being set.

Spent the rest of the day inside.  I had all by normal reading done by noon.  In the afternoon I started doing my annual charity contributions.  I have to get them done by Dec 31.

Nancy fixed me a fried egg sandwich for dinner.  Tonight we watched an episode of “Whitstable Pearl”  followed by “Slow Horses”.  

We did not get mail today.  Is it because of the weather? What happened to “neither rain nor snow will stop the mail”?

Quickly checked the Courtyard before turning in.  Temperature in single digits with 25 mph wind.  BRR!

Friday, December 23, 2022

December 22, 2022

Thursday December 22, 2022

I was ready to post this blog when it disappeared.  This has happened before and I can't understand why.  Even called Daughter Missy and between us we could not recover the post.  So this is an abbreviated version of Thursday blog.

New blog time 1245 on Friday the 23.

On Thursday we got up at 0700.  On Doctors orders no exercise for me.  Nancy put on her exercise clothes and headed to MVP for her bike/treadmill routine.

Temp in low 30s with no wind but at 1500 this afternoon the major winter storm will roll in.

Had my morning oatmeal and then headed out.  On my way to Panera stopped at Walgreens for lotion and fiber.   

Panera we empty.  Got my coffee and baguette and started the morning papers.  Nancy joined me at 1030.

We had ordered super-duper charging stations via Debbie for our iPhone and iWatch.  Made a trip to the Apple store.  The Mall and Apple store were empty.  Picked up our chargers and headed home.  Plugged in the chargers and the worked great.  Exactly what we needed.

Lunch at 1400 and then as predicted it started snowing at 1500. We decided no dinner at Shepard’s Grill. We are staying inside.

Lean Cuisine chicken dinner for me and French Onion soup for Nancy.  Tonight we watched an episode of “Whitstable Pearl”.  Nancy likes this show.

Bundled up at 2200 and checked courtyard.  Temp in single digits, snowing with high winds.  BRR!

News stories I don’t want in 2023!

Prince Harry or Megan.  Enough already of the whiners!

All of the Kardashians!  All show no substance.


Woke politicians.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

December 21, 2022

 Wednesday December 21, 2022

Today is the winter solstice.  We have exactly 9 hours of daylight.  At the summer solstice we have 15.  A 6 hour swing.

Several weeks ago during my 6 months skin checkup.  Dr Cahill took a biopsy of a brown spot on my neck.  The test results came back as early stage, melanoma.  Today he totally removed skin in the bad area.  The work required about 6 stitches.  I now have a big bandage that will remain until early January.  No exercises except gentle walking for three weeks.

For breakfast I had oatmeal at home and then Nancy and I headed to Panera for coffee and a baguette.  Left at 1000 and headed to Doctor’s office,

After the surgery we took a long drive and then Walmart.  At home I switched cars and stopped at the Bank to deposit a check.  Got my car washed and filled up.

Right now 1730 I am sitting in living room doing this blog with and ice pack on my neck.  Put the ice pack on for 15 minutes every two hours.

This and that:

On this date in 1980 my Mother passed.  My sister called me from AZ to remind me.  Mom was 73.

Looking out the living room slider I see two deer eating the corn I had put our earlier.

Talked with the Realtor several times today.  The buyer wants us to get some plumbing work done.  I have already arranged for Somerdyke Plumbing to do the work next week.

I am still getting all my office things sorted out.  Spent several hour trying to accomplish.

Our news reports are dominated by the coming blizzard.  The storm will start late Thursday afternoon and last until Saturday.  Some call it the storm of the century.  I think that is a little dramatic.

Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup for dinner.  Good meal for a cold winter’s evening.

Tonight we watched episode 1 of Season 23, Midsomer Murders.  It was ok.

Check courtyard before bed and temp was 30 with no wind.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

December 20, 2022

 Tuesday December 20, 2022

Blog time 1930 sitting in Den

Slept in until 0730 today.  Will my wake up time get earlier after the winter solstice tomorrow?  Earlier daylight might get me up faster.

Today is Nancy’s bike/treadmill day at MVP.  She left home at 0815.

I did my at home calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  My shoulder is slowly healing so I am starting chin-ups and pull-ups.  Only do three which when I was in military was the required minimum.

Drove to Panera and did my morning reading.  Left Panera at noon.  This afternoon Nancy and I did some shopping.  Getting supplies in for Missy and AJ.  

First stop was Costco.  The place was jammed.  They had plenty of checkout stands open so not much wait checking out.

Last stop was Meijer’s.  I picked up a prescription,  while Nancy did some shopping.  

Lunch and then shaved.  Took a short nap.

It being Tuesday we had our hot dog night at Leo’s. We were surprised the place was jammed with senior citizens.

When we got home looked out our slider window.  Seven deer wear eating the nine ears I put out earlier.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Three Pines” followed by “One Lane Bridge”.   Almost done with both shows.

I did check the courtyard before bed.  Cold and clear.  The big storm is coming  on Thursday.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

December 19, 2022

 Monday December 19, 2022

Blog time noon at Panera

Slept in until 0730 this morning.  It was a cold 20.  Wind chill in teens.  No bike today I don’t ride when wind chill below 20.

Nancy headed out at 0815 for her Monday swim at MVP.

At home calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  Today I drove to the Y.  For the first time in several weeks I did pull-ups and chin-ups, only 3 each with no pain.  I rowed 1,000 m on rowing machine.  Also ran/walked a mile.  Showered and then headed to Panera.

This morning featured several annoying moments.  I could not find my Fusion car keys.  I used Nancy’s set.  My super-duper padlock at Y would not work.  I think it needs a charge.  Luckily I had a padlock in my locker.  

At Panera read the Michigan papers and finished Sunday’s blog.  Left Panera at noon.

Remaining activities for the day:

Spent most of the afternoon getting my office squared away.

Talked to Financial Advisor about paying for Condo on Jan 12.  He said they sent me two blank checks to use.  My office files are a mess since the Senior Movers dumped the contents of my desk on the floor.  Bummer!  Of course I told Senior Movers of my disappointment.

It took several hours but I finally got my files organized.  I even found the two blank checks.

Finished the afternoon with a 3/4 mile walk.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a Lean Cuisine chicken dinner.  It was good.

After the news we started watching “Three Pines” on Amazon.  Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She ordered two charging stations for our iPhones and iWatch.  

Nancy’s friend Kathi called after Debbie.  Nancy talked over an hour with Kathi.

Just before checking Courtyard I looked out at our back yard.  Saw 6 deer eating the corn I had put our earlier.  Even though the sun had gone down the snow increases visibility dramatically.

It was 25 when checked Courtyard.  Tomorrow temps will be in 20s but no snow.


Monday, December 19, 2022

December 18, 2022

 Sunday December 18, 2022

Blog time 1615 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700.  It had snowed all night.  Temperature was 27 and it was still snowing.  I was surprised but our driveway and walks were plowed.  

I decided to chance the roads so I drove to Panera.  It was touch and go.  Got our Sunday morning coffee.

Today we did not drive to Trinity Lutheran instead we watched the service on YouTube.  A lot of folk did the same thing because the video showed the church to be empty.

This and that:

For first time ever I completed reading the GRP before noon.

 Put nine ears of corn out for deer.  At dusk looked out slider and 6 deer were eating.  

Argentina won World Cup.  My favorite.

Lions won.  Are they for real?

I found time for a nap.

We made a quick trip to D&W.  Nancy purchased our New Year’s meal.  Ham, turkey, mashed potatoes and veggies.  Will pick up on the 24th.

The weather folks keep saying we have set several single day snow fall records.

 I keep wondering who supports the far right GOP folks who keep talking election fraud.  They will never get my vote.  We need a new party for moderates.

I spent several hours moving furniture in the basement.  I finally have it arranged the way I like.

For dinner tonight I finished Nancy’s Western omelette from Saturday.  Also toast and blueberries to top it off.

Tonight we watched “Three Pines” followed by “One Lane Bridge”.  We like both shows.

Checked Courtyard tonight, cold and light snow.  Christmas week will be cold.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

December 17, 2022

 Saturday December 17, 2022

Blog time 1720 sitting in living room.

Set alarm for 0645.  Got up and quickly started cleaning up.  An inspection team is coming at 1000.  They will be in our house about 2 hours.

This morning it was 27 and snowing.  In fact it snowed most of the night.  Backed out Fusion and took plowed streets to “Gathering Place” for breakfast.

We were surprised, the place was jammed.  Once again we did not get our preferred table.  Oatmeal for meal and Western Omelette for Nancy.  Both also had raisin toast and coffee.

After breakfast we headed to Woodland Mall.  We cannot get in our house until noon.  Spent about 1.5 hours in Mall.  

The Mall was empty.  Are most folks shopping on-line?  We did not purchase anything.  Got home about 1215.  We did see evidence that the inspection team had visited.

I bundled up and took a 2 mile walk.  It took 56 minutes.  Hard walking in deep snow.

I was cold so got under electric blanket and took a short nap.  It was still snowing when I woke up.  It think we had a record snow fall for Dec 17.

For dinner Nancy fixed a Lean Cuisine Meatloaf dinner.  Tonight we watched an episode of “Three Pines”.  Nancy gives the show  an A and I give it an A-.  

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was still snowing and cold.  

Memories from Christmas past.  On Fri Dec 15, 1962 arrived in Alpena after spending one year, two week, days and 13 hours on US Naval Station, Midway Island.  Left Midway on Friday about noon.  It was 72.  Stopped at Pearl Harbor and then took a commercial flight to San Francisco.  Left SF with stops at Midway, Benton Harbor, Bay City and finally Alpena.  It was below zero when arrive at home.  Mom and Dad greated me at airport.  It had been over a year since I had seen them.  I was one happy camper.  I think I slept about 15 hours.  Great Holiday memory.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

December 16, 2022

 Friday December 16, 2022

Blog time 1930 sitting in den

Up this morning at 0730, yes I slept in.

Temperature in low 30s, gloomy with snow predicted for this afternoon.  Backed out Escape and checked the pavement. Clear and dry.  Nancy can drive to her swim at MVP.

Did all my calisthenics at home today.  Oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast.  Put on bike riding clothes and pedaled my 5 mile route to Panera.

Coffee and baguette,  Nancy arrived about 15 later from her swim.  We talked awhile.

Read Alpena and Detroit News before heading home. Total bike miles today = 8.8


Finished yesterday’s blog.

Continued cleaning basement.  It is beginning to look organized.

Picked up house.  Tomorrow the buyer is bringing a home inspection team to look over things like, electrical, attic, and plumbing.  They have had a radon monitor running downstairs since Tuesday.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I ate at EuroBistro about 0.5 miles from the Condo.  The food is a bit pricey but very good.  We might recommend it for our Church’s Senior Outing in March.

We watched a new show on Prime tonight.  It was call “Three Pines”.  We will watch it again.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Light snow and cold.  Winter weather advisory is in place and will continue through tomorrow.

Friday, December 16, 2022

December 15, 2022

 Thursday December 15, 2022

Blog time 1530 sitting in living room

Slept in the morning until almost 0800.

Quickly dressed and drove to Panera to get morning coffee for Bob and Nancy.  Fixed an oatmeal breakfast.  

The movers arrive at 0930.  They got right to work.

It was a tough job.  They took apart the dining room table and down stairs bedroom suite.  I was impressed with their skill.  To get the downstairs wood furniture to their van they used our inside stairs.

However, the Steelcase desk pieces were to large to get up the stairs.  They had to move the pieces through our downstairs slider and up the hill to their truck.  It rained last night so the ground was muddy and slippery.  Total time to make the entire move was 2 hours.

Fortunately Kim was cleaning today so as soon as furniture was moved she ran the vacuum.  She did a good job.  I spent some time rearranging furniture downstairs.

Nancy had PT at noon today.  As soon as she got home we headed to Meijer’s for supplies.

For dinner Nancy fixed me a fried egg on toast.  Also had a dish of blueberries and French bread.

Tonight we watched an episode of “One Lane Bridge” almost Sci-if but interesting.

When checked Courtyard before bed it was snowing.  A major storm is moving in tomorrow. 

Thursday, December 15, 2022

December 14, 2022

Wednesday December 14, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in living room watching Nancy trim the Christmas tree.

Up this morning at 0730. Backed out Escape and checked the weather.  It was 30 with a strong East wind.

Nancy left at 0815 for her Wednesday swim at MVP.  Today is my easy day so I did all my calisthenics at 50%.  Dressed warm grabbed my backpack and walked to Panera.  Ordered a coffee, oatmeal and a bagel.  

After the oatmeal I started my morning reading.  Started with Alpena News.  The Alpena Schools are closed today because of flu outbreak.  Several other small schools in the area are also closed.  In my youth I can’t recall schools being closed because of sickness.  From K-12 we only had one snow day and I did not find about the closure until I arrived at school.  Was told school was closed so I turned around and walked home.

I was finishing the Detroit News when Nancy walked in.  We sat and talked awhile.  Nancy has a 1200 PT session so she left early.

The walk home was unpleasant because I walked into a 18 mph wind.  Got home around noon and reminded Nancy of her PT session.  She headed out. 

The movers are coming tomorrow morning to move my big Steelcase desk to LSE/SCECO.

 They are also moving the downstairs wood bedroom suite and upstairs dining room table and chairs.  These items will be taken to a furniture warehouse for potential sale.   Spent time cleaning up to make the move easier.  

Brought the small Christmas tree up so Nancy could decorate.  It looks great.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed pea soup from Trader Joe’s.  Watched the news and then switched to Apple TV.  Watched an episode of “Slow Horses”.  

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We provided more detail on our move to Porter Hill.

It was sprinkling when checked Courtyard before bed.  Tomorrow will be gloomy with temps above freezing.  

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

December 13, 2022

 Tuesday December 13, 2022

Up at 0715.  Unlocked garage and backed out Escape.  We are locking the garage because of catalytic converter thefts in the area.

Nancy head out early for her treadmill/stationary bike work out at MVP.  It was 30 and cloudy with little wind.  After my calisthenics and breakfast I started the 5 mile bike ride to Panera.  No Y today.

While on my bike ride I got a call from mover.  Stopped the bike and took the call on my iWatch.  The clarity of the iWatch is great.  However, talking outdoors can be unpleasant.

Just settled down at Panera when Nancy walked in.  We talked about our 1230 meeting with the realtor.  Will the Condo sell?

The realtor arrived at exactly 1230.  Good news an offer has been made.  We talked some and made a counter offer.  Ashley, the Realtor, will contact the potential buyer’s realtor with our counteroffer. Stay tuned!

The dermatologist’s office called and we set a date for the surgery to clean up the recent skin removal.  Stitches will be required but the operation will be in his office under local pain killer.  The date is December 21.

Today being the 13th I stopped at Meijer’s to buy lottery tickets.

 Late this afternoon the potential buyer accepted our counteroffer.  Final papers will be prepared and forwarded for signature later this afternoon.

Our mover called wanting to confirm the move of furniture on Thursday.  The caller, Sue Kirkwood, was a classmates of Debbie’s at OHHS.  Her maiden name was Sue Buikema. She is married to our old neighbor Joe Kirkwood.

This evening we are attending a wine and snack party at the home of Bill and Carol Masten.  The affair started at 1830.  Also in attendance was Doug and Kathy Vance.  It was a great affair. We ate drank and talked for three hours.  Nancy especially liked the get together.

At home we electronically signed the sale papers for the condo. FaceTimed Missy to let her know of the sale.  She was happy.  Tried to FaceTime Debbie to no avail.  Sent a message of the sale.

Checked Courtyard before bed and everything ok.  High winds tomorrow so no bike.  Might walk to Panera.

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

December 12, 2022

 Monday December 12, 2022

Blog time 1111 sitting in Panera

Slept in today until almost 0730.  The morning temp was 30 with little wind and dry pavement.  Perfect winter bike day.

Unlocked garage and backed out the Escape.  Nancy left at 0815 for MVP and her Monday swim.

I did all my calisthenics at home today.  Of course no chin-ups of pull-ups while my shoulder is recovering.  It take me about 30 minutes.  No Y today.

Fixed oatmeal breakfast with blueberries for breakfast.  Bundled up for my morning bike ride.  While shoulder is getting better I decided no backpack.  Put my iPad in the bikes saddle bag.

The route I selected today for my ride to Y was 5 miles.  The absence of wind made the ride pleasant.

Stopped at Panera and ordered coffee and several baguettes.  Nancy soon joined me for a short visit.  After she left I finished reading the Alpena and Detroit News.   News wise Michigan seems to be in holiday mood.  Not much controversy.

At home I got in Fusion and ran errands.  

First stop Macatawa to get money for Kim who cleans on Thursday. 

Got my Fusion washed. 

At print shop, I ordered notepads, business cards and return address labels for our new Porter Hill address. 

At PakMor I had some documents shredded.

Finally at “Good Will” I dropped off a lot of surplus electronic and personnel items like phone holders, etc.

Quick lunch and then headed downstairs to continue getting my new office set up.

Got a call from my Dermatologist.  The spot on my neck they removed and tested was found to need more work.  I scheduled a surgery date.

Wrote monthly note to Grandkids.

For dinner I had a bowl of Cheerios with blueberries.

Tonight we watched a new show on Acorn.  I cannot recall the name of the show.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Everything normal.  Temp will drop to 30 tonight.  Tomorrow will be the last day I can ride my bike for a while.  Winter storms heading our way.

Monday, December 12, 2022

December 11, 2022

 Sunday December 11, 2022

Up at 0700.  Drove to Panera to get our morning coffee.

Fixed myself an oatmeal breakfast with blueberries.  Headed to Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Temps in mid 30s and foggy.  Big crowd at church.

After church we took a short drive.  This afternoon Nancy and I are attending her Book Club’s Christmas Party at the Moleski’s.  Five folks were in attendance Tom and Linda, Bob and Nancy, Connie and Tim.  The Moleski’s fixed roast beef, roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes and banana bread.  We all had wine to drink.  All very good. We spent a pleasant two hours talking and eating.

At home I spent some time getting our downstairs squared away.  Still a lot of work to do.

Because of the big brunch we did not have dinner.  Watched the news and most of 60 Minutes.  Watched another episode of “Slow Horses” on Apple TV. I like the show but Nancy is lukewarm.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening we got up to day on what is happening in her life.  Big news San Jose has been getting a lot of rain.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Every thing ok.  


Sunday, December 11, 2022

December 10, 2022

 Saturday December 10, 2022

Blog time 1840 on Sunday the 11th.  A day late again.

Up at 0700 and quickly dressed and headed to “Gathering Place” for breakfast.  We arrived early so we got our favorite table.  Oatmeal with a scrambled egg for me and an omelette for Nancy.  We both also had raisin toast.

After breakfast we took a short drive.  Stopped at Panera for our free coffee.  Nancy is looking for a new pair of New Balance walking shoes.  Stopped at Gazelle Sports at 1000 but they did not open until 1100.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I took a 2.5 mile walk.  After the walk I headed downstairs to clean up the mess left by the movers.  

The movers emptied the drawers in an antique desk, big chest of drawers and a Vanity.  The contents in the drawers was put in several big cardboard boxes.

My first decision was to use the antique writing desk that was part of the twin bed set as my new desk.  It is much smaller than the Steelcase desk but it has plenty of drawers and will fit nicely in the apartment at Porter Hills.

Spent considerable time sorting out which items will be trashed, taken to “Good Will” or kept.  

For dinner tonight Nancy and headed to Cascade Roadhouse for dinner.  Nancy ordered Mac and cheese, and I had a club sandwich.  The food was terrible.

Nancy and I are in charge of finding a place to hold the Trinity Lutheran “Over 60” group March meeting.  We had planned on asking Cascade Roadhouse but after tonight’s experience they have been dropped from our list.

Nancy’s toenails scratched me last night.  Tonight I volunteered to cut them.  Big mistake!  I cut the little toe on her left foot.  We spent over an hour trying to get the bleeding to stop.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.

No TV tonight.  I did check the Courtyard before bed.  Temperature was above freezing.  No frost tonight.

December 9, 2022

 Friday December 9, 2022

Blog time 1445, sitting downstairs at the antique wood desk.

Up at 0700.  Nancy headed out to her swim at MVP.  Speaking of MVP, yesterday Nancy and I visited MVP to sign me up.  I am now a member.  Have my name in for a locker.

I had breakfast and then waited for Senior Movers to arrive at 0900.  At exactly 0900 the movers arrived. My primary goal today was to have to movers take down my Steelcase Desk so it can be moved to LSE/SCECO on 15 Dec.

Much to my surprise they also got the twin bed and related furniture ready for moving on the 15th. The dining room table and chairs will also be moved.  The furniture will be stored in Senior Movers Warehouse for possible sale.

It took 3 hours to get all this work done.  Our basement is a mess.

We had planned on dining out this evening but heavy snow moved in.  Nancy fixed a stout pie.  Very good.

Tonight we watched “Murder in Paradise”.  Light snow when checked Courtyard before bed.  

Friday, December 9, 2022

December 8, 2022

 Thursday December 8, 2022

Blog time 1100 sitting in Panera 

Up this morning at 0700.  We made a quick check of the house to make sure it is ready for the 1430 showing.

Wanted to have the kitchen spic and span so no breakfast at home today.  Nancy does not want me to dirty the kitchen.  I will have oatmeal at Panera.

The Orthopedic folks do not want me doing pull-ups until shoulder heals.  So no at home calisthenics.

Nancy left at 0800 for MVP.  She will ride the stationary bike and walk on treadmill.  I left several minutes later.  No bike today.

Today I rowed 1,000 meters on the Concept Rower, 80 sit-ups, and walk/ran a mile on the track.  Shower and then headed to Panera.

I ordered oatmeal and baguette.  Nancy arrived 10 minutes after I started eating.  We talked a bit and set a schedule for this afternoon.

Got home at 1300 spent some time making last minute house check.  At 1400 Nancy and I headed out.  We have 90 minutes to kill. 

 I like Eddie Bauer’s First Ascent lined pants so we took the scenic route to the Rivertown Crossing Mall.  The Mall is on the western edge of Kent County.

The Mall is a two story fully enclosed mall.  Nancy liked walking around.   We found the Eddie Bauer story and found exactly what I was looking for.  Nancy bought the pants for me.  They are a Christmas gift.  Cannot wear until Christmas.

Looked around the Condo and could not find any evidence of visitors.  Will call realtor tomorrow.

Very light dinner tonight.  We did watch the news.  Our nice weather will end Friday.  Snow/rain mix.

The Russians make a swap for the release of WNBA star Brittney Griner.  The big question among folks like me why did the Presdent not make an effort to release Paul Whelan who has been in Russian jail much longer than Griner?  I think it is politics.  What Democrat cares about Straight White Men.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Murder in Paradise”.  This show is always good.

Bright full moon when checked Courtyard before bed.  Tomorrow afternoon the rain/snow will roll in.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

December 7, 2022

 Wednesday December 7, 2022

Blog time 1530 sitting in office.

Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Up today at 0530.  Unlocked garage and backed out both cars.  Sunrise today at 0800. Total hours of daylight, 9h 9’.

Stopped at Panera on way downtown for coffee to take with me.  It was pitch black on my drive.  Luckily I have a pair of night vision glasses.

The speaker today was our Club President.  He is a retired History teacher from GRCC.  His talk was on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.  It was very interesting.  The USN was unprepared.

I spent my entire Navy career in the Navy’s Pacific command.  I found the talk about Pearl Harbor attack and subsequent USN actions in the Pacific very interesting.  During my Navy career I met many career Navy men who were active during WW II.

After BC I stopped at Meijer’s for supplies.  Dropped my purchase off at home and then drove to Staples.  I purchased several large plastic boxes.  I will store the files from my steelcase desk in these boxes.  The desk will be taken down Friday morning.

Nancy had a PT session from 1200 to 1300.  During this time I took a short nap.

Got a call from our Realtor.  There will be a showing at 1430 tomorrow.  Will have to spend some time getting the house ready.

We are moving to Porter Hills on January 12.  The movers will pack up our stuff on the 11th.  Nancy and I will stay in a hotel on the 11th.  Got a call today from Porter Hills saying how much my deposit will be.  Gulp!!

Spent time this afternoon finishing blogs and catching up on some reading.  Finished the afternoon with a walk to Macatawa Bank to deposit my IRA check.

I had oatmeal with blueberries for dinner tonight.  Tonight we watched an episode of “Whitstable Pearl”.

When checked Courtyard this evening I came face to face with a large deer.  Made my day.  

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

December 6, 2022

 Tuesday December 6, 2022

Up at 0715.  It was drizzling when I unlocked the garage and backed out the Escape.  The temperature was above freezing.  I don’t ride my bike in the rain so I will drive today.

At home calisthenics and oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy left at 0815 for her treadmill/stationary bike routine at MVP.

I dressed in civilian clothes and drove to Y.  Normal routine at Y except that I ran about 50% of my two mile walk.  By running I cut my mile time from 25’ to 15’. Slowly I am getting my stride back.  

Today I showered at Y.  The Y still does not provide towels so I have to bring my own.  I will be glad when I switch to MVP.  They provide towels.

Drove to Panera and was joined by Nancy.  We both had coffee and split a baguette.  Left Panera at noon.  Today I have a 1400 appointment with Orthopedic Associates of Michigan (OAM).  I will have my right shoulder checked out.

OAM took several X-rays of my right shoulder.  Good news I do not need shoulder surgery.  I had heard horror stories of shoulder joint surgery.  

I have some arthritis and muscle damage.  Solution:  avoid exercises where my arms are above my head.  I was given a series of exercises that will help my recovery.  I will start my program on Thursday.

Spent most of afternoon in office.  On Friday the movers are coming to take apart my big Steelcase Desk.  The desk will be moved to LSE/SCECO on the 14th. 

It was dark when I remembered to put out corn for deer.  I grabbed 9 ears and stood on the deck slab and threw each cob blindly.   

It being Tuesday, Nancy and I had hot dogs and fries at Leo’s.  As always the food was good.

Tonight we watched an episode of  Black Bird on Apple TV.  It is kind of grim.

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  Temps in mid 30s and will remain all evening.  Another mild day tomorrow. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

December 5, 2022

 Monday December 5, 2022

Blog time noon at Panera

Up at 0700.  Sunrise not until 0758.  Temperature in 20s with 10 mph wind.  We are rapidly approaching the winter solstice.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her swim at MVP.  

At home calisthenics before oatmeal.  Bright sun when I was dressing so I decided to bike to Y.

Bundled and pedaled to Y a distance of 5 miles.  Being Monday the Y was crowded with the MWF club.  

After the Y headed to Panera.  Ordered coffee and baguettes.  Nancy arrived shortly after me.  She got her coffee and we sat and talked a spell.

At home I changed into everyday clothes and ran some errands.  First stop was Total Wines.  I replenished my supply of a red blend.  Also bought two bottles of white wine.  We have to take one bottle to Nancy’s Book Club Christmas party on Sunday.

Nancy had a 1200 to 1300 PT session today.  The jury is still out on the effectiveness of these sessions.

Talked with our mover today.  They are coming Friday morning to take down my office desk on Friday.  Unfortunately the desk will lay in pieces on the office floor until Dec 15.  The ultimate destination of the desk is the Monroe Ave office of LSE/Scott Civil Engineering.

Nancy and I ran another errand this afternoon.  I cannot remember the reason for the errand.

I had cheerios for dinner.  Watched the news and then an episode of “Whitstable Pearl”.  It was episode 1 of a new season.  Gave it a B+.

Temperature above freezing when checked Courtyard before bed.  It will remain above freezing all night.  Light showers over night.

Monday, December 5, 2022

December 4, 2022

  Sunday December 4, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room.

Up with alarm at 0630.  We make a final check of the house to make sure it is ready for today’s showing.

Temps in high 20s with strong winds.  No bike today but I might take a 2 mile walk.

No breakfast at home today.  Nancy doesn’t want me to dirty the kitchen.  We drove to Panera.  Ordered baguettes and coffee. Spent some time reading today’s GRP.

Church was jammed today.  It is the second Sunday in Advent.  We did partake of the light snacks provided by the Church ladies.  Pastor Bob was in fine fiddle.  I liked his Homily.

We got out of church at 1015.  We had 90 minutes to kill before the showings are over.  Took a nice long ride through rural Kent County.  

At home I bundled up and took a 2.5 mile walk.  Walked into the wind for the first 1/2 of walk and had wind at back on way home.

After the walk I took a short nap.

Checked email and because of UM’s win last night the UM Alumni Association is already offering a package trip to Fiesta Bowl.  No thanks.

I have a Twitter account.  When I open Twitter each day usually have several messages.  Lately I have been getting videos of young school age kids fighting.  I think this is totally inappropriate, it encourages violence.  Shame on Twitter!

I had a light dinner.  Watched the GR news and like every evening we have a report of a local shooting.  I think carrying a gun should be banned.  Think this idea would pass any legislature?

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.  Also got a message from Missy.  She and AJ are flying to GR on Christmas Day.  We are looking forward to the visit.

Tonight we watched episode 2 of the Crown.  I do not like this season.   It is anti Queen and pro Diana.  My opinion is that Diana was a spoiled airhead.

Everything ok when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Winter has set in below freezing every evening.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

December 3, 2022

Saturday December 3, 2022

Blog time 1230 sitting in den.

We slept in until almost 0800 today.  Quickly dressed and headed to “Gathering Place”.  We arrived late so were not able to get our favorite table.  Ordered standard Saturday items.  As always it was good.

Today we have an 1100 appoint at the Apple Store to pick up Nancy’s new iWatch and get it configured.  We had time to kill so we spent time joy riding.

We arrived at the Apple store right on time.  It took 45 minutes to get Nancy’s new watch configured.

This and that:

I hope the new GOP congress will not go on a witch hunt trying to prosecute Hunter Biden.  The nation has more important problems.

Folks running for the Mi GOP leadership were big losers in the last election.  That’s all they need are bitter losers.  Most are supporters of Trump and are election deniers.

No robins seen in several week.  

In place of Robins I have seen a lot of hawks.  Are they looking for rabbits and squirrels?

We are having a building boom in Cascade Twp.  I am sad because it is a big loss of deer habitat.

This afternoon I bundled up and took a 2.5 mile walk.  I was cold walking into the 18mph wind but on way home I had the wind at my back so I was more comfortable.

We spent several hours getting the house ready for tomorrow’s showing.  The Sunday showing is from 1000-1200.

Debbie gave us an message saying her two big packages we sent last week had arrived.  I hope Missy’s package arrives on Monday.

I also got another UC Irving shirt with the anteater logo from the Scott team.

Found time to put out corn for deer.

Because of tomorrow’s showing we had dinner at Panera.  (Don’t want to dirty kitchen).  I had the Autumn squash bisque and Nancy had Chicken noodle.

Tonight we watched on YouTube the Belmont shore’s  Christmas paradeI.  Belmont Shores is a neighborhood in Long Beach.  Granddaughter Alessandra was on a float representing Miss Teen Southern Cal.  We were able to see her riding on the float waving to crowd.

When checked Courtyard tonight noted a bright almost full moon.  High winds and temps in low 30s continues for tomorrow.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

December 2, 2022

Friday December 2, 2022

Blog time 1750 sitting in den.

Slept in until 0730.

We have a showing 1300 showing today.

Nancy headed at 0800 to MVP for her swim.  We will meet later at Panera.

No Y today.  The house was nice and clean for showing so to keep it clean I walked to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.

Read the Michigan papers and finished yesterday’s blog.

While I was waiting for Nancy the Kapellars walked in.  Their children were classmates of our kids at Ottawa Hills.  We had a nice talk.

When Nancy arrived we continued our conversation with the Kappellars.  Nice conversation.

Nancy and I made quick stop at Meijer’s.  Took the provisions home.  We hurriedly put the provisions away.  Because of the showing at 1300 we had to leave home by 1230.

We killed some time before Nancy’s 1400 Catscan.  Arrived 15 minutes early.  They took Nancy right in and the test took less than 20 minutes.  Results next week.

At home I finished my daily calisthenics and took a two mile walk.  For dinner tonight we almost finished the Thanksgiving turkey.  Also had some blueberries and French bread.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We got up to date.

Tonight we watched episode 1, season 2 of Slow Horses on Apple TV.  I fell asleep half way through.  Nancy said it was good.

It was windy when checked Courtyard before turning in.  No frost tonight but tomorrow will be very windy.


Friday, December 2, 2022

December 1, 2022

Thursday December 1, 2022

Blog time 1030 on Friday.  A day late again.

Up this morning at 0630.  Nancy has a 0800 appointment with our GP.  She has an infected toe.  Wanted to make sure the roads were in good enough shape for Nancy to drive on.  They were dry.

Nancy left at 0730 for her appointment.  I did the at home routine and then drove to the Y.  No bike today.

The Y was empty.  After the calisthenics I tried running.  The Y’s indoor track is 0.2 miles.  I ran 2 miles with no problems except my stride is clumsy.

Showered and headed to Panera.  Read the Michigan papers before Nancy joined me.

This afternoon I had an appointment with my dermatologist, Dr Cahill.  Nancy joined me because she has a spot on her cheek she wanted checked out.  Luckily she was able to get an appointment.

Dr Cahill checked me over.  He found several spots that needed freezing.  He also took a skin sample from my neck to send to lab.  Will know results next week.

Tonight Nancy and I attended a charity function at Meijer Gardens.  It is their annual Christmas Gala.  

I got out my old three button suit that I have had for over 30 years.  It fit just barely.  Also selected a tie.  I can still tie a tie.

Nancy was all dressed up and looked great.  The event started at 1800.  The outside trees at the Gardens were all lighted up.  It looked great.  

The inside was also spectacularly decorated.  Christmas trees with decorations from all over the world.  More than 500 folks attended.  The main course tonight was beef Wellington.  Reminded me of Nancy’s sister, Judy, who would always serve this beef dish whenever we visited Boston.

We got home at 2100, a great evening.  Checked Courtyard before bed everything ok.


November 30, 2022

 Wednesday November 30, 2022

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Heavy winds with temp of 34, when unlocked garage and backed out Escape.  Today is Nancy’s swim day at MVP.  

Today is also my easy Wednesday. Light exercise at home and then walked to Panera for oatmeal.  I walked into the teeth of a 20 mph wind.  The walk home will be easier.

Read the Michigan papers and finished yesterday’s blog.  The walk home was indeed easier with the 20 mph wind at my back.

This afternoon we attended the showing of my old boss, Dave Despres.  Dave was 96 years old.

Dave was director of the Kent County Department of Public Works.  I worked for Dave from Labor Day 1968 until December 72.  Dave was a good boss.  

We were able to talk to Dave’s two sons and daughter.  I also had the opportunity to talk to an old college classmate who also worked for Kent County.

At home I had a spaghetti lean cuisine for dinner.  We watched an episode of “Inspector Morse”.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Everything ok.  Mild weather tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

November 29, 2022

 Tuesday November 29, 2022

Blog time Wednesday at Panera, 1100.  Yes a day late again.

Tuesday I was up at 0700.  Checked outside and mild temp in mid 30s.  Good day for a bike ride.

Nancy headed to MVP at 0800.  I did the at home exercises before oatmeal breakfast.  Today I am taking my Cannondale bike with steel studded winter tires.  The tires are a bit noisy.  What is really annoying is the squeal from the brakes.  Ada Bike did not take the bike for a test run after putting on tires.  I will complain about sloppy work.

Today I took a short route to Y, 4.5 miles.  The Y was not crowded.  I did my calisthenics and a short walk before heading to Panera.

I did not spent much time at Panera because I have a busy afternoon.  At home showered and shaved.

I packed up the last of the Knick-knacks and headed to PakMor.  They will mail the package to Missy.  Next stop was the Chow Hound.  I bought a 30# bag of corn.  Nancy helped me carry the bag downstairs.

Nancy had a 1600 appointment with a neurologist at St. Mary’s.  We left home a 1515 and just made is to the doctor’s office at 1600.  Very heavy traffic.

Nancy’s Doctor is very young and inexperienced.  We complained recently spending over 2 hours at St Mary’s radiology dept.  Nancy had an MRI scheduled but was told that because of her pacemaker no MRI.  We complained that her pacemaker was on all her records.  The Doc and her boss were very defensive.  Bottom line:  Nancy will double the number of pills she is now taking.  The St Mary’s staff will try to contact another hospital, Spectrum, to see if their MRI machines are capable of handling patients with pacemakers.  We left disappointed.

It being Tuesday we stopped at Leo’s for our Tuesday hot dog.  It was a welcome relief.

At home we watched the news.  China and the weather dominated.  For our viewing we watched a Thelma-Louise type show on Netflix.  The first episode was terrible.  Since the show is only 30 minutes we watched another episode.  It was also terrible.

Missy FaceTimed tonight.  She got a message that the packages I mailed today will arrive on Friday and Monday.

Light rain and wind when checked Courtyard before bed.  Heavy winds all day tomorrow.  No bike.

November 28, 2022

 Monday November 28, 2022

Blog time 2000 sitting in den.

Hectic day today.  We have two Condo showings, 1130 and 1300.

Nancy wants to keep Condo spick and span so I can’t dirty the kitchen.  Decided on having breakfast at Panera.  I biked to Panera.  Temp in 40s with no wind.

Oatmeal and a baguette for breakfast.  Left Panera at 1000. At home changed out of bike clothes and drove to PakMor.  I mailed two big boxes of nick nacks to Debbie.

Got a call from Ada Bike that they have the snow tires on my Cannondale.  Nancy drove me to Ada, picked up bike and I pedaled 5 miles home.

Dinner tonight was the last of the Thanksgiving turkey.  

This and that:

The public demonstrations in China against the Covid lockdowns look serious.  The lockdowns are pretty severe.  Folks are confined to their homes for days.  Does the lockdown really stopped Covid from spreading?  Most USA experts say no.

Iran is also experiencing public demonstrations.  It looks like a female revolt against extreme measures taken by the Religious police.  

I have been putting out 9 ears of corn every afternoon.  Just before sunset about 5 deer visit.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

We watched “Doc Martin”.  I think it was last episode.  Sad!

Checked Courtyard before bed and a bright crescent moon was visible.  No frost tonight.  Tomorrow will be mild.  Great for biking.

Monday, November 28, 2022

November 27, 2022

Sunday November 27, 2022

Up before 0700.  Mild rain outside.  Drove to Panera for our morning coffee.

Oatmeal breakfast before heading to Trinity Lutheran.

First Sunday of Advent.  Big crowd.

After church we drove up Fuller Ave to find a funeral home.  My old boss passed away last week.  We are attending the showing on Wednesday.

Next we drove to the OAM office on Leffinwell.  I have an appointment next week.  I wanted to find a quick route.

We spent a good part of the afternoon tititivating.  Tomorrow we have two showings of the condo.

Finished the afternoon with a two mile walk.

For dinner continue to eat away at Thanksgiving turkey.  Tonight we again watched an episode of “Doc Martin”.

I have been putting 8 ears of corn out every day.  Today we had 7 deer.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Temp in 40s.  Another nice day ahead.

November 26, 2022

Saturday November 26, 2022

Up at 0700.  Checked outside and the temp was in 40s.  Sun will come up at 0748.

We quickly dressed and headed to “Gathering Place” for breakfast.  The place was empty but as usual the food was good.

We took our standard drive after breakfast.  Stopped at Panera for our free coffee.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I got on bike and took a 10 mile rides.

At home showered and shaved.  Nancy and I made a quick trip to Meijer’s.  Nancy picked up a prescription and a few supplies.

At home I had quick lunch.  I did watch most of the third quarter of the UM/OSU game.  

Took a 3/4 mile walk.  It was very pleasant.  No heavy overcoat required.

We load up some pottery to send to Debbie.  Nancy told me PakMail would be closed but I said no.  Drove to PakMail and it was closed.  

For dinner we headed to Panera.  I had a bowl of Autumn Squash soup and Nancy had chicken noodle.

We watched two episodes of “Doc Martin”.  Checked Courtyard before bed.  Mild with temps above freezing overnight.


Saturday, November 26, 2022

November 25, 2022

 Friday November 25, 2022

Up this morning at 0700.

The temperature was above freezing.  The snow and ice on sidewalks is gone.

Back to our normal routine.

Nancy went swimming.

Oatmeal breakfast and then I pumped up the tires on the Bianchi and pedaled to Y.  

Did my normal Y routine before headed to Panera.

Ordered coffee and baguette and started reading papers.  Nancy joined me.  

At home showered and then ran errands followed by a nap.

For dinner tonight I had a turkey sandwich with pumpkin pie for dessert.  Tonight we watched two episode of “Doc Martin”.

It was still mild when checked Courtyard before turning in.  No frost tonight.  Another nice day tomorrow.

November 24, 2022

 Thursday November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Day

Blog time 1930 sitting in Den.

Slept in this morning until 0730.  First item on my agenda today is to find a place to buy morning coffee.  First try was Bigsby coffee.  It was open.  Ordered two large coffees.  

At home I fixed oatmeal to go with coffee.  Spent first part of morning checking email, etc.

At 1000 Nancy and I got in Fusion and took a pleasant Thanksgiving morning drive.  Drove through our old neighborhood and then downtown.  Spent an hour driving.  In keeping with the season I switched to the holiday music station.  Very pleasant.

At home I took a two mile walk.  A lot of folks were out walking.

Memories of Thanksgiving past.

Family Thanksgiving dinner at my Grandparents farm.  0ver 40 family members attended.

My first Thanksgiving away from home was in 1961.  Dinner at the BOQ, Pearl Harbor Navy Base.  Next day I was on my way to Midway Island for a 1 year, two weeks, three day, 14 hour tour.

1962 dinner at BOQ Midway Island Naval  Base.

1963 had dinner at a French Cafe in Saigon.

1965 Nancy and I had our first dinner as a married couple in Redwood City, Ca.

1965-2022, Nancy and Bob enjoyed dinner together.

Today we got our Thursday GRP.  It was tiny.  I remember when the Girls had a paper route the Thanksgivings GRP was huge with all the ads.  It was all hands on deck with Steve and I helping the girls.  Nancy had breakfast waiting for us when we got home.  Great memory.

Today we talked to my Sister, Helen, and all the kids.  Everyone seems to be having a great day.

For our Thanksgiving meal we ordered a package from D&W.  We had turkey, dressing, green beans, mashed potatoes with gravy.  Very good.  For dessert we had pumpkin pie (Costco) which was also very good.

I did not watch the lions game today.  The Lions playing on Thanksgiving is a great tradition.  My UM classmates from Detroit talked about going to the game with their Dad and Uncles and male Cousins.  The game ended about 1500.  When the got home a Thanksgiving feast prepared by the women was waiting for them.  OH for the good old days.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Doc Martin”.  As usual it was great.  I did check the courtyard before bed.  Temperature in 40s.  The great weather continues tomorrow.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

November 23, 2022

 Wednesday November 23

Blog time 1800 on Thanksgiving Day.  Sitting in living room. A day late again.

Up Wednesday at 0545.  Today I have Breakfast Club.

Quickly dressed and on my way downtown I stopped at Panera to get a coffee to take with me.  I was Panera’s first customer.

Breakfast Club was crowded this morning, 20+.  Today’s speaker was fellow club member, Rev Fettig.  The Reverend gave a talk on the first Thanksgiving.  It was a great talk.  The Reverend has researched this topic.

Stopped at the Y on way home.  Calisthenics at 50% and a mile walk.  On way home from Y stopped at Meijer’s to restock.

After lunch Nancy and I drove to D&W to pick up our Thanksgiving Dinner.  This afternoon took a short walk and then spent time in office.

For dinner tonight we drove to Panera.  I had a bowl of Autumn squash soup and Nancy had a cup of chicken noodle soup.

Tonight we FaceTimed with AJ, Debbie and Missy.  Watched an episode of McDonald and Dodds before bed.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  It was very mild.  Tomorrow, Thanksgiving, will be mild.  Most of snow should be gone by Friday.

November 22, 2022

 Tuesday November 22, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in living room.

Slept in until 0720 this morning.  Sun will be up at 0744.  It was 19 but after the sun comes up it will be sunny and reach 40s this afternoon.

I opened garage and backed out the Escape.  Nancy left at 0815 for MVP.  Today is her treadmill/stationary bike day.

No Y for me today.  I did all my calisthenics at home.  Shaved and put on dry skin lotion before oatmeal breakfast.  Because of the cold weather my skin dries major league.  I must put Cetaphil cream on twice a day.  If no lotion most folks would call me scratchy.

Oatmeal breakfast with blueberries before heading out.  Today I walked to Panera, a distance of 0.9 miles.  The walks still have ice patches so I took my cane for balance.

Panera was empty.  I ordered coffee and baguettes.  As usual I first read the Alpena News followed by the Detroit News.  

Next I check email and messages.  Finished yesterdays blog.

Nancy dropped in about 1030.  We sat and talked awhile.  This afternoon we are visiting Costco.

As soon as I got home put the bike rack on the Escape and drove to Ada Bike.  Today they are putting on steel studded tires on my bad boy.  Will pick up tomorrow.

At home. Nancy and I headed to Costco.  The place was crowded.  Nancy picked up her prescription and I loaded the basket with mouth wash, mini-naan, Clorox wipes, wine and crackers.  We also purchased a pumpkin pie.  We had to wait about 30 minutes for a new batch of pies.  25 folks were ahead of us in line.  Pumpkin pie must be Costco’s big Thanksgiving item.

At home I took a short nap.  Tonight being Tuesday we drove to Leo’s for our Tuesday hot dog and fries.  Leo’s was crowded.

At home we watched the end of NBC news and then switched to internet.  Tonight we watched an episode of “Traces”.  I gave it a B-.

It was still above freezing when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Mild weather continues through the week

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

November 21, 2021

 Monday November 21, 2022

Blog time 1620 sitting in office.

Up at 0700.

Backed out Escape and drove to D&W to fill up tires.

Tires still low.

Nancy drove to her swim at MVP.

After Oatmeal breakfast I headed to the Y.

The Y was jammed this morning.  Calisthenics and a 1.4 mile walk/run.

At Panera Nancy had already arrived.  We sat and drank our coffee and ate baguettes.

At home I put on bike rack and headed to Ada Bike.

Unbeknown to me Ada Bike had changed hours.  They were closed today.  Bummer!

Stopped at Fox Ford.  They checked the tire pressure and each one was 10 psi low.  The service man said the low pressure was weather related.  Glad to have this problem fixed.

Lunch and then headed down to office.

An old fraternity brother died last week.  Today I wrote a sympathy letter.  I had not seen Al since 1960.

Finished yesterday’s blog and started todays.

Already the house members are fighting.  Be nice fellows.

I hope moderate GOP leaders will dump Trump.

Yesterday’s GRP did not have an article on either the MSU of UM game.  Nancy wants to cancel but I read the comics and obits.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed chicken noodle.  Also had blueberries and toast.

Watched the news and then watched an episode of “Doc Martin”.  It as usual was very good.  Love to visit the area where the show is filmed.

The temperature was still above freezing when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Temp will drop below freezing tonight but will reach 40 late tomorrow.