Thursday, December 8, 2022

December 7, 2022

 Wednesday December 7, 2022

Blog time 1530 sitting in office.

Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Up today at 0530.  Unlocked garage and backed out both cars.  Sunrise today at 0800. Total hours of daylight, 9h 9’.

Stopped at Panera on way downtown for coffee to take with me.  It was pitch black on my drive.  Luckily I have a pair of night vision glasses.

The speaker today was our Club President.  He is a retired History teacher from GRCC.  His talk was on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.  It was very interesting.  The USN was unprepared.

I spent my entire Navy career in the Navy’s Pacific command.  I found the talk about Pearl Harbor attack and subsequent USN actions in the Pacific very interesting.  During my Navy career I met many career Navy men who were active during WW II.

After BC I stopped at Meijer’s for supplies.  Dropped my purchase off at home and then drove to Staples.  I purchased several large plastic boxes.  I will store the files from my steelcase desk in these boxes.  The desk will be taken down Friday morning.

Nancy had a PT session from 1200 to 1300.  During this time I took a short nap.

Got a call from our Realtor.  There will be a showing at 1430 tomorrow.  Will have to spend some time getting the house ready.

We are moving to Porter Hills on January 12.  The movers will pack up our stuff on the 11th.  Nancy and I will stay in a hotel on the 11th.  Got a call today from Porter Hills saying how much my deposit will be.  Gulp!!

Spent time this afternoon finishing blogs and catching up on some reading.  Finished the afternoon with a walk to Macatawa Bank to deposit my IRA check.

I had oatmeal with blueberries for dinner tonight.  Tonight we watched an episode of “Whitstable Pearl”.

When checked Courtyard this evening I came face to face with a large deer.  Made my day.  

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