Monday, December 12, 2022

December 11, 2022

 Sunday December 11, 2022

Up at 0700.  Drove to Panera to get our morning coffee.

Fixed myself an oatmeal breakfast with blueberries.  Headed to Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Temps in mid 30s and foggy.  Big crowd at church.

After church we took a short drive.  This afternoon Nancy and I are attending her Book Club’s Christmas Party at the Moleski’s.  Five folks were in attendance Tom and Linda, Bob and Nancy, Connie and Tim.  The Moleski’s fixed roast beef, roasted vegetables, mashed potatoes and banana bread.  We all had wine to drink.  All very good. We spent a pleasant two hours talking and eating.

At home I spent some time getting our downstairs squared away.  Still a lot of work to do.

Because of the big brunch we did not have dinner.  Watched the news and most of 60 Minutes.  Watched another episode of “Slow Horses” on Apple TV. I like the show but Nancy is lukewarm.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening we got up to day on what is happening in her life.  Big news San Jose has been getting a lot of rain.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Every thing ok.  


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