Sunday, December 11, 2022

December 9, 2022

 Friday December 9, 2022

Blog time 1445, sitting downstairs at the antique wood desk.

Up at 0700.  Nancy headed out to her swim at MVP.  Speaking of MVP, yesterday Nancy and I visited MVP to sign me up.  I am now a member.  Have my name in for a locker.

I had breakfast and then waited for Senior Movers to arrive at 0900.  At exactly 0900 the movers arrived. My primary goal today was to have to movers take down my Steelcase Desk so it can be moved to LSE/SCECO on 15 Dec.

Much to my surprise they also got the twin bed and related furniture ready for moving on the 15th. The dining room table and chairs will also be moved.  The furniture will be stored in Senior Movers Warehouse for possible sale.

It took 3 hours to get all this work done.  Our basement is a mess.

We had planned on dining out this evening but heavy snow moved in.  Nancy fixed a stout pie.  Very good.

Tonight we watched “Murder in Paradise”.  Light snow when checked Courtyard before bed.  

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