Wednesday, December 14, 2022

December 13, 2022

 Tuesday December 13, 2022

Up at 0715.  Unlocked garage and backed out Escape.  We are locking the garage because of catalytic converter thefts in the area.

Nancy head out early for her treadmill/stationary bike work out at MVP.  It was 30 and cloudy with little wind.  After my calisthenics and breakfast I started the 5 mile bike ride to Panera.  No Y today.

While on my bike ride I got a call from mover.  Stopped the bike and took the call on my iWatch.  The clarity of the iWatch is great.  However, talking outdoors can be unpleasant.

Just settled down at Panera when Nancy walked in.  We talked about our 1230 meeting with the realtor.  Will the Condo sell?

The realtor arrived at exactly 1230.  Good news an offer has been made.  We talked some and made a counter offer.  Ashley, the Realtor, will contact the potential buyer’s realtor with our counteroffer. Stay tuned!

The dermatologist’s office called and we set a date for the surgery to clean up the recent skin removal.  Stitches will be required but the operation will be in his office under local pain killer.  The date is December 21.

Today being the 13th I stopped at Meijer’s to buy lottery tickets.

 Late this afternoon the potential buyer accepted our counteroffer.  Final papers will be prepared and forwarded for signature later this afternoon.

Our mover called wanting to confirm the move of furniture on Thursday.  The caller, Sue Kirkwood, was a classmates of Debbie’s at OHHS.  Her maiden name was Sue Buikema. She is married to our old neighbor Joe Kirkwood.

This evening we are attending a wine and snack party at the home of Bill and Carol Masten.  The affair started at 1830.  Also in attendance was Doug and Kathy Vance.  It was a great affair. We ate drank and talked for three hours.  Nancy especially liked the get together.

At home we electronically signed the sale papers for the condo. FaceTimed Missy to let her know of the sale.  She was happy.  Tried to FaceTime Debbie to no avail.  Sent a message of the sale.

Checked Courtyard before bed and everything ok.  High winds tomorrow so no bike.  Might walk to Panera.

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