Friday, December 16, 2022

December 15, 2022

 Thursday December 15, 2022

Blog time 1530 sitting in living room

Slept in the morning until almost 0800.

Quickly dressed and drove to Panera to get morning coffee for Bob and Nancy.  Fixed an oatmeal breakfast.  

The movers arrive at 0930.  They got right to work.

It was a tough job.  They took apart the dining room table and down stairs bedroom suite.  I was impressed with their skill.  To get the downstairs wood furniture to their van they used our inside stairs.

However, the Steelcase desk pieces were to large to get up the stairs.  They had to move the pieces through our downstairs slider and up the hill to their truck.  It rained last night so the ground was muddy and slippery.  Total time to make the entire move was 2 hours.

Fortunately Kim was cleaning today so as soon as furniture was moved she ran the vacuum.  She did a good job.  I spent some time rearranging furniture downstairs.

Nancy had PT at noon today.  As soon as she got home we headed to Meijer’s for supplies.

For dinner Nancy fixed me a fried egg on toast.  Also had a dish of blueberries and French bread.

Tonight we watched an episode of “One Lane Bridge” almost Sci-if but interesting.

When checked Courtyard before bed it was snowing.  A major storm is moving in tomorrow. 

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