Sunday, December 25, 2022

December 24, 2022

 Saturday December 24, 2022


Blog time 1230 sitting in Den.

Up at 0715.  Checked out side, the temp was 12 but wind in 20 mph range.  Bitterly cold.  Tahoe Drive and our walk had not been plowed.  Looks like we will shelter in place today.

Nancy thawed out a scone for breakfast and I brought up the coffee machine.  Drank coffee, ate the scone and watched the storm reports on the local TV station.  Channel 8 had all their weather staff on duty.  Bottom line the Christmas Week blizzard was one for the books.

Read the local papers and my emails until 1030.  We had ordered our Christmas Dinner from D&W and had to pick it up before noon.  Nancy and I bundled up and headed out.  

Our drive had been plowed but Tahoe Drive had not.  It was a difficult drive to D&W.  Luckily the store is about a mile from the Condo.

Picked up our Christmas Dinner and were headed out when we ran into a neighbor who happens to be on the Board of Trinity Lutheran.  She said that all Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services had been canceled.

I had never heard of a “Bomb Cyclone” before this week.  But it sure is impacting this Holiday Week.

Kent County Airport is closed.  Missy had planned on flying into GR on Christmas Day.  She changed her arrival until Tuesday.

Nancy’s sister, Peg, called this afternoon.  Peg lives in Ma.  It is cold in Ma but very little snow.

Missy called.  Since she cannot leave for GR until Tuesday she might be driving up to SJ to visit Debbie and Steve’s family who are also visiting Debbie.  Missy did not go.

At 1800 we turned on channel 8 news to get the latest weather update.  Looks like we will be snowed in until Monday.

Light dinner tonight.  So light I can’t remember.

We watched an episode of “Slow Horses” followed by “One Lane Bridge”.  

Checked Courtyard before Bed.  It was cold, windy and snowing.  More of the same tomorrow.

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