Wednesday, December 7, 2022

December 6, 2022

 Tuesday December 6, 2022

Up at 0715.  It was drizzling when I unlocked the garage and backed out the Escape.  The temperature was above freezing.  I don’t ride my bike in the rain so I will drive today.

At home calisthenics and oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy left at 0815 for her treadmill/stationary bike routine at MVP.

I dressed in civilian clothes and drove to Y.  Normal routine at Y except that I ran about 50% of my two mile walk.  By running I cut my mile time from 25’ to 15’. Slowly I am getting my stride back.  

Today I showered at Y.  The Y still does not provide towels so I have to bring my own.  I will be glad when I switch to MVP.  They provide towels.

Drove to Panera and was joined by Nancy.  We both had coffee and split a baguette.  Left Panera at noon.  Today I have a 1400 appointment with Orthopedic Associates of Michigan (OAM).  I will have my right shoulder checked out.

OAM took several X-rays of my right shoulder.  Good news I do not need shoulder surgery.  I had heard horror stories of shoulder joint surgery.  

I have some arthritis and muscle damage.  Solution:  avoid exercises where my arms are above my head.  I was given a series of exercises that will help my recovery.  I will start my program on Thursday.

Spent most of afternoon in office.  On Friday the movers are coming to take apart my big Steelcase Desk.  The desk will be moved to LSE/SCECO on the 14th. 

It was dark when I remembered to put out corn for deer.  I grabbed 9 ears and stood on the deck slab and threw each cob blindly.   

It being Tuesday, Nancy and I had hot dogs and fries at Leo’s.  As always the food was good.

Tonight we watched an episode of  Black Bird on Apple TV.  It is kind of grim.

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  Temps in mid 30s and will remain all evening.  Another mild day tomorrow. 

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