Tuesday, December 6, 2022

December 5, 2022

 Monday December 5, 2022

Blog time noon at Panera

Up at 0700.  Sunrise not until 0758.  Temperature in 20s with 10 mph wind.  We are rapidly approaching the winter solstice.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her swim at MVP.  

At home calisthenics before oatmeal.  Bright sun when I was dressing so I decided to bike to Y.

Bundled and pedaled to Y a distance of 5 miles.  Being Monday the Y was crowded with the MWF club.  

After the Y headed to Panera.  Ordered coffee and baguettes.  Nancy arrived shortly after me.  She got her coffee and we sat and talked a spell.

At home I changed into everyday clothes and ran some errands.  First stop was Total Wines.  I replenished my supply of a red blend.  Also bought two bottles of white wine.  We have to take one bottle to Nancy’s Book Club Christmas party on Sunday.

Nancy had a 1200 to 1300 PT session today.  The jury is still out on the effectiveness of these sessions.

Talked with our mover today.  They are coming Friday morning to take down my office desk on Friday.  Unfortunately the desk will lay in pieces on the office floor until Dec 15.  The ultimate destination of the desk is the Monroe Ave office of LSE/Scott Civil Engineering.

Nancy and I ran another errand this afternoon.  I cannot remember the reason for the errand.

I had cheerios for dinner.  Watched the news and then an episode of “Whitstable Pearl”.  It was episode 1 of a new season.  Gave it a B+.

Temperature above freezing when checked Courtyard before bed.  It will remain above freezing all night.  Light showers over night.

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