Sunday, December 4, 2022

December 3, 2022

Saturday December 3, 2022

Blog time 1230 sitting in den.

We slept in until almost 0800 today.  Quickly dressed and headed to “Gathering Place”.  We arrived late so were not able to get our favorite table.  Ordered standard Saturday items.  As always it was good.

Today we have an 1100 appoint at the Apple Store to pick up Nancy’s new iWatch and get it configured.  We had time to kill so we spent time joy riding.

We arrived at the Apple store right on time.  It took 45 minutes to get Nancy’s new watch configured.

This and that:

I hope the new GOP congress will not go on a witch hunt trying to prosecute Hunter Biden.  The nation has more important problems.

Folks running for the Mi GOP leadership were big losers in the last election.  That’s all they need are bitter losers.  Most are supporters of Trump and are election deniers.

No robins seen in several week.  

In place of Robins I have seen a lot of hawks.  Are they looking for rabbits and squirrels?

We are having a building boom in Cascade Twp.  I am sad because it is a big loss of deer habitat.

This afternoon I bundled up and took a 2.5 mile walk.  I was cold walking into the 18mph wind but on way home I had the wind at my back so I was more comfortable.

We spent several hours getting the house ready for tomorrow’s showing.  The Sunday showing is from 1000-1200.

Debbie gave us an message saying her two big packages we sent last week had arrived.  I hope Missy’s package arrives on Monday.

I also got another UC Irving shirt with the anteater logo from the Scott team.

Found time to put out corn for deer.

Because of tomorrow’s showing we had dinner at Panera.  (Don’t want to dirty kitchen).  I had the Autumn squash bisque and Nancy had Chicken noodle.

Tonight we watched on YouTube the Belmont shore’s  Christmas paradeI.  Belmont Shores is a neighborhood in Long Beach.  Granddaughter Alessandra was on a float representing Miss Teen Southern Cal.  We were able to see her riding on the float waving to crowd.

When checked Courtyard tonight noted a bright almost full moon.  High winds and temps in low 30s continues for tomorrow.

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