Tuesday, December 20, 2022

December 19, 2022

 Monday December 19, 2022

Blog time noon at Panera

Slept in until 0730 this morning.  It was a cold 20.  Wind chill in teens.  No bike today I don’t ride when wind chill below 20.

Nancy headed out at 0815 for her Monday swim at MVP.

At home calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  Today I drove to the Y.  For the first time in several weeks I did pull-ups and chin-ups, only 3 each with no pain.  I rowed 1,000 m on rowing machine.  Also ran/walked a mile.  Showered and then headed to Panera.

This morning featured several annoying moments.  I could not find my Fusion car keys.  I used Nancy’s set.  My super-duper padlock at Y would not work.  I think it needs a charge.  Luckily I had a padlock in my locker.  

At Panera read the Michigan papers and finished Sunday’s blog.  Left Panera at noon.

Remaining activities for the day:

Spent most of the afternoon getting my office squared away.

Talked to Financial Advisor about paying for Condo on Jan 12.  He said they sent me two blank checks to use.  My office files are a mess since the Senior Movers dumped the contents of my desk on the floor.  Bummer!  Of course I told Senior Movers of my disappointment.

It took several hours but I finally got my files organized.  I even found the two blank checks.

Finished the afternoon with a 3/4 mile walk.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed a Lean Cuisine chicken dinner.  It was good.

After the news we started watching “Three Pines” on Amazon.  Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  She ordered two charging stations for our iPhones and iWatch.  

Nancy’s friend Kathi called after Debbie.  Nancy talked over an hour with Kathi.

Just before checking Courtyard I looked out at our back yard.  Saw 6 deer eating the corn I had put our earlier.  Even though the sun had gone down the snow increases visibility dramatically.

It was 25 when checked Courtyard.  Tomorrow temps will be in 20s but no snow.


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