Monday, December 19, 2022

December 18, 2022

 Sunday December 18, 2022

Blog time 1615 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700.  It had snowed all night.  Temperature was 27 and it was still snowing.  I was surprised but our driveway and walks were plowed.  

I decided to chance the roads so I drove to Panera.  It was touch and go.  Got our Sunday morning coffee.

Today we did not drive to Trinity Lutheran instead we watched the service on YouTube.  A lot of folk did the same thing because the video showed the church to be empty.

This and that:

For first time ever I completed reading the GRP before noon.

 Put nine ears of corn out for deer.  At dusk looked out slider and 6 deer were eating.  

Argentina won World Cup.  My favorite.

Lions won.  Are they for real?

I found time for a nap.

We made a quick trip to D&W.  Nancy purchased our New Year’s meal.  Ham, turkey, mashed potatoes and veggies.  Will pick up on the 24th.

The weather folks keep saying we have set several single day snow fall records.

 I keep wondering who supports the far right GOP folks who keep talking election fraud.  They will never get my vote.  We need a new party for moderates.

I spent several hours moving furniture in the basement.  I finally have it arranged the way I like.

For dinner tonight I finished Nancy’s Western omelette from Saturday.  Also toast and blueberries to top it off.

Tonight we watched “Three Pines” followed by “One Lane Bridge”.  We like both shows.

Checked Courtyard tonight, cold and light snow.  Christmas week will be cold.

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