Friday, December 23, 2022

December 22, 2022

Thursday December 22, 2022

I was ready to post this blog when it disappeared.  This has happened before and I can't understand why.  Even called Daughter Missy and between us we could not recover the post.  So this is an abbreviated version of Thursday blog.

New blog time 1245 on Friday the 23.

On Thursday we got up at 0700.  On Doctors orders no exercise for me.  Nancy put on her exercise clothes and headed to MVP for her bike/treadmill routine.

Temp in low 30s with no wind but at 1500 this afternoon the major winter storm will roll in.

Had my morning oatmeal and then headed out.  On my way to Panera stopped at Walgreens for lotion and fiber.   

Panera we empty.  Got my coffee and baguette and started the morning papers.  Nancy joined me at 1030.

We had ordered super-duper charging stations via Debbie for our iPhone and iWatch.  Made a trip to the Apple store.  The Mall and Apple store were empty.  Picked up our chargers and headed home.  Plugged in the chargers and the worked great.  Exactly what we needed.

Lunch at 1400 and then as predicted it started snowing at 1500. We decided no dinner at Shepard’s Grill. We are staying inside.

Lean Cuisine chicken dinner for me and French Onion soup for Nancy.  Tonight we watched an episode of “Whitstable Pearl”.  Nancy likes this show.

Bundled up at 2200 and checked courtyard.  Temp in single digits, snowing with high winds.  BRR!

News stories I don’t want in 2023!

Prince Harry or Megan.  Enough already of the whiners!

All of the Kardashians!  All show no substance.


Woke politicians.

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