Thursday, December 22, 2022

December 21, 2022

 Wednesday December 21, 2022

Today is the winter solstice.  We have exactly 9 hours of daylight.  At the summer solstice we have 15.  A 6 hour swing.

Several weeks ago during my 6 months skin checkup.  Dr Cahill took a biopsy of a brown spot on my neck.  The test results came back as early stage, melanoma.  Today he totally removed skin in the bad area.  The work required about 6 stitches.  I now have a big bandage that will remain until early January.  No exercises except gentle walking for three weeks.

For breakfast I had oatmeal at home and then Nancy and I headed to Panera for coffee and a baguette.  Left at 1000 and headed to Doctor’s office,

After the surgery we took a long drive and then Walmart.  At home I switched cars and stopped at the Bank to deposit a check.  Got my car washed and filled up.

Right now 1730 I am sitting in living room doing this blog with and ice pack on my neck.  Put the ice pack on for 15 minutes every two hours.

This and that:

On this date in 1980 my Mother passed.  My sister called me from AZ to remind me.  Mom was 73.

Looking out the living room slider I see two deer eating the corn I had put our earlier.

Talked with the Realtor several times today.  The buyer wants us to get some plumbing work done.  I have already arranged for Somerdyke Plumbing to do the work next week.

I am still getting all my office things sorted out.  Spent several hour trying to accomplish.

Our news reports are dominated by the coming blizzard.  The storm will start late Thursday afternoon and last until Saturday.  Some call it the storm of the century.  I think that is a little dramatic.

Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup for dinner.  Good meal for a cold winter’s evening.

Tonight we watched episode 1 of Season 23, Midsomer Murders.  It was ok.

Check courtyard before bed and temp was 30 with no wind.

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