Sunday, December 18, 2022

December 17, 2022

 Saturday December 17, 2022

Blog time 1720 sitting in living room.

Set alarm for 0645.  Got up and quickly started cleaning up.  An inspection team is coming at 1000.  They will be in our house about 2 hours.

This morning it was 27 and snowing.  In fact it snowed most of the night.  Backed out Fusion and took plowed streets to “Gathering Place” for breakfast.

We were surprised, the place was jammed.  Once again we did not get our preferred table.  Oatmeal for meal and Western Omelette for Nancy.  Both also had raisin toast and coffee.

After breakfast we headed to Woodland Mall.  We cannot get in our house until noon.  Spent about 1.5 hours in Mall.  

The Mall was empty.  Are most folks shopping on-line?  We did not purchase anything.  Got home about 1215.  We did see evidence that the inspection team had visited.

I bundled up and took a 2 mile walk.  It took 56 minutes.  Hard walking in deep snow.

I was cold so got under electric blanket and took a short nap.  It was still snowing when I woke up.  It think we had a record snow fall for Dec 17.

For dinner Nancy fixed a Lean Cuisine Meatloaf dinner.  Tonight we watched an episode of “Three Pines”.  Nancy gives the show  an A and I give it an A-.  

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was still snowing and cold.  

Memories from Christmas past.  On Fri Dec 15, 1962 arrived in Alpena after spending one year, two week, days and 13 hours on US Naval Station, Midway Island.  Left Midway on Friday about noon.  It was 72.  Stopped at Pearl Harbor and then took a commercial flight to San Francisco.  Left SF with stops at Midway, Benton Harbor, Bay City and finally Alpena.  It was below zero when arrive at home.  Mom and Dad greated me at airport.  It had been over a year since I had seen them.  I was one happy camper.  I think I slept about 15 hours.  Great Holiday memory.

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