Tuesday, December 27, 2022

December 26, 2022

 December 25 and 26

Blog time 2100 on the 26th in Den.

On Christmas Day we got up at 0730.  The snow continued all night with temps in teens.  

Turned on the tree lights and opened presents.  

Checked the TV weather and were told to stay inside all day.  We complied.

It was blowing and snowing all day.  Wind chills below or near zero.

I brought up the Keurig and made coffee.  I had a scone for breakfast.   Our Sunday paper did not arrive until noon.

At 1400 Nancy warmed up our D&W Holiday meal.  We had roast chicken, creamed green beans, dressing.  For dessert we had pumpkin pie.  Very good.

We FaceTimed Missy.  She and AJ spent time at the beach.  She and AJ will fly into GR late Tuesday.

The news tonight was all about the Christmas week blizzard.  Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  

It snowed most of the day but we did see some critters finally moving about.  Several deer were in the back yard and noted several rabbits in the Courtyard.

Monday December 6,  up this morning at 0700.  It looks like the blizzard has abated.  Today is a holiday so no mails and the banks are closed.  

Nancy thought the roads were still to treacherous so no MVP for her.  I got dressed fixed an oatmeal breakfast.

My skin doctor says I can do some gentle walking.  So I drove to the Y and walked 30 minutes on the track.

After, I drove home, picked up Nancy and headed to Panera.  Temp was in low 20s but still light snow.  At Panera we got coffee and I got a baguette and Nancy a blueberry scone.

After Panera we drove to Meijer’s for some supplies.  I also picked up my MG prescription.  Drove straight home after shopping.

We spent the rest of the day inside.  I finished writing checks to various charities we give to annually.

I scrapped a hole in 4 locations in the back yard and put two ears of corn in each.  Within 30 minutes there were 7 deer fighting for the corn.  They must be very hungry.

Had a scone for lunch.  For dinner I had yogurt, pudding and an apple.  Tonight we watched two episodes “Three Pines”.

We did FaceTime Debbie today.  She was in her car with Alessandra and Veronica.  They were heading to the Mall.

Made a quick check of the Courtyard before bed.  Scared up several bunnies. I think they are eating berries on some bushes in Courtyard.  Temperature in mid teens.  Tomorrow will be our last day with temps below freezing.

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