Saturday, December 24, 2022

December 23, 2022

 Friday December 22, 2022

Blog time 1313 sitting in living room

We slept in until 0800 this morning.  Temperature was 7 with winds of 20mph.  Wind chill is a negative number. It has snowed all night and snow will continue until late Saturday.

I was surprised that our walk and drive had been plowed.  I needed my morning coffee, so bundled up and headed to Panera.

The roads were in poor condition with plenty of drifting.  Luckily, no traffic so I stayed in the middle of the road.  Thank God for AWD.

I was first customer at Panera.  Ordered our coffee and three croissants.  Drove straight home.  

Nancy and I sat at the Kitchen table enjoying our coffee and croissant.  Feels good sitting in warm house and looking out the window to see the blowing snow.

Finished Thursday’s blog.  As I was ready to post it disappeared into never-never land.  Called Missy to see if I could restore but no luck.  Did a quick rewrite.

Sister, Helen, called from AZ to gloat.  She saw on the news that West Mi was getting hammered by the storm.  Her daughter Jennifer had called from Gaylord, Mi and said that Gaylord has shut down.  

The news media are calling it the Christmas Week blizzard.  Snow fall and wind chill records are being set.

Spent the rest of the day inside.  I had all by normal reading done by noon.  In the afternoon I started doing my annual charity contributions.  I have to get them done by Dec 31.

Nancy fixed me a fried egg sandwich for dinner.  Tonight we watched an episode of “Whitstable Pearl”  followed by “Slow Horses”.  

We did not get mail today.  Is it because of the weather? What happened to “neither rain nor snow will stop the mail”?

Quickly checked the Courtyard before turning in.  Temperature in single digits with 25 mph wind.  BRR!

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