Friday, December 2, 2022

December 1, 2022

Thursday December 1, 2022

Blog time 1030 on Friday.  A day late again.

Up this morning at 0630.  Nancy has a 0800 appointment with our GP.  She has an infected toe.  Wanted to make sure the roads were in good enough shape for Nancy to drive on.  They were dry.

Nancy left at 0730 for her appointment.  I did the at home routine and then drove to the Y.  No bike today.

The Y was empty.  After the calisthenics I tried running.  The Y’s indoor track is 0.2 miles.  I ran 2 miles with no problems except my stride is clumsy.

Showered and headed to Panera.  Read the Michigan papers before Nancy joined me.

This afternoon I had an appointment with my dermatologist, Dr Cahill.  Nancy joined me because she has a spot on her cheek she wanted checked out.  Luckily she was able to get an appointment.

Dr Cahill checked me over.  He found several spots that needed freezing.  He also took a skin sample from my neck to send to lab.  Will know results next week.

Tonight Nancy and I attended a charity function at Meijer Gardens.  It is their annual Christmas Gala.  

I got out my old three button suit that I have had for over 30 years.  It fit just barely.  Also selected a tie.  I can still tie a tie.

Nancy was all dressed up and looked great.  The event started at 1800.  The outside trees at the Gardens were all lighted up.  It looked great.  

The inside was also spectacularly decorated.  Christmas trees with decorations from all over the world.  More than 500 folks attended.  The main course tonight was beef Wellington.  Reminded me of Nancy’s sister, Judy, who would always serve this beef dish whenever we visited Boston.

We got home at 2100, a great evening.  Checked Courtyard before bed everything ok.


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