Monday, December 5, 2022

December 4, 2022

  Sunday December 4, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room.

Up with alarm at 0630.  We make a final check of the house to make sure it is ready for today’s showing.

Temps in high 20s with strong winds.  No bike today but I might take a 2 mile walk.

No breakfast at home today.  Nancy doesn’t want me to dirty the kitchen.  We drove to Panera.  Ordered baguettes and coffee. Spent some time reading today’s GRP.

Church was jammed today.  It is the second Sunday in Advent.  We did partake of the light snacks provided by the Church ladies.  Pastor Bob was in fine fiddle.  I liked his Homily.

We got out of church at 1015.  We had 90 minutes to kill before the showings are over.  Took a nice long ride through rural Kent County.  

At home I bundled up and took a 2.5 mile walk.  Walked into the wind for the first 1/2 of walk and had wind at back on way home.

After the walk I took a short nap.

Checked email and because of UM’s win last night the UM Alumni Association is already offering a package trip to Fiesta Bowl.  No thanks.

I have a Twitter account.  When I open Twitter each day usually have several messages.  Lately I have been getting videos of young school age kids fighting.  I think this is totally inappropriate, it encourages violence.  Shame on Twitter!

I had a light dinner.  Watched the GR news and like every evening we have a report of a local shooting.  I think carrying a gun should be banned.  Think this idea would pass any legislature?

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.  Also got a message from Missy.  She and AJ are flying to GR on Christmas Day.  We are looking forward to the visit.

Tonight we watched episode 2 of the Crown.  I do not like this season.   It is anti Queen and pro Diana.  My opinion is that Diana was a spoiled airhead.

Everything ok when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Winter has set in below freezing every evening.

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