Wednesday, November 30, 2022

November 28, 2022

 Monday November 28, 2022

Blog time 2000 sitting in den.

Hectic day today.  We have two Condo showings, 1130 and 1300.

Nancy wants to keep Condo spick and span so I can’t dirty the kitchen.  Decided on having breakfast at Panera.  I biked to Panera.  Temp in 40s with no wind.

Oatmeal and a baguette for breakfast.  Left Panera at 1000. At home changed out of bike clothes and drove to PakMor.  I mailed two big boxes of nick nacks to Debbie.

Got a call from Ada Bike that they have the snow tires on my Cannondale.  Nancy drove me to Ada, picked up bike and I pedaled 5 miles home.

Dinner tonight was the last of the Thanksgiving turkey.  

This and that:

The public demonstrations in China against the Covid lockdowns look serious.  The lockdowns are pretty severe.  Folks are confined to their homes for days.  Does the lockdown really stopped Covid from spreading?  Most USA experts say no.

Iran is also experiencing public demonstrations.  It looks like a female revolt against extreme measures taken by the Religious police.  

I have been putting out 9 ears of corn every afternoon.  Just before sunset about 5 deer visit.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

We watched “Doc Martin”.  I think it was last episode.  Sad!

Checked Courtyard before bed and a bright crescent moon was visible.  No frost tonight.  Tomorrow will be mild.  Great for biking.

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