Wednesday, November 2, 2022

November 1, 2022

 Tuesday November 1, 2022

Blog time 1030 at Panera.  

Up at 0700, dark and my weather app said foggy.  Sunrise today  at 0820.  I will be glad when DST goes off on Sunday.  In fact I would like standard time year round.  

Nancy has a early afternoon appointment with a neurologist. I am driving her.  Slight change to my schedule, no Y.  

Morning at home calisthenics followed by oatmeal breakfast.  Pedaled the 3 miles to Panera.  Read Michigan papers and finished yesterday’s blog.  Got home at 1100.  We left for Doctor’s office at 1130.

Nancy thought she would see a PA today but we met with a new MD.  She asked many questions.  Bottom line, Nancy was given a new pain prescription.  Several blood samples were taken and the results will determine if a MRI is required.  We left the office at 1500.  Three hours which I thought was time well spent.  

At home we took a short walk, 0.66 miles.  For dinner tonight we headed to Leo’s for our Tuesday hot 

dog.  Took a short drive after dinner.

Critter report.  Our backyard has had three deer eating most of the day.  Must be putting on winter fat.  We scared off a big skunk living under our wood deck in courtyard.  Will call critter control.

Tonight we watched another episode of “My Life is Murder”.  Bright crescent moon when checked Courtyard before bed.  

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