Thursday, November 17, 2022

November 16, 2022

 Wednesday November 16, 2022

Blog time 1130 on Thursday. Yes a day late but I have an excuse.  Our internet was down most of the day.  Did not return until 1800. 

Today is my easy Wednesday.  It was cold, 30, but no snow yet when backed out Escape.  Today is Nancy’s swim day at MVP.

Today I did all my calisthenics at home but at only 50%.  Dressed and walked to Panera.  The grassed areas were snow covered but sidewalks and roads were bare.

Ordered coffee, oatmeal and two croissants.  I was hungry.

Read the Michigan papers, checked emails and messages before walking home.  Total walking miles today 1.8.

At home got in Fusion and ran errands.

Stopped at Chow Hound and bought a 30# bag of corn for deer.

Picked up dry cleaning at Sheldon.

Stopped at Trinity Lutheran and picked up Christmas wreath.

At Stables I picked up an enlarged plan of our new apartment. I will use plan to plot where we want to place furniture.

Dropped off furniture item at “Good Will”.

Quick lunch before heading down to office.  No internet so I just cleaned up.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

Dinner tonight was Cheerios with blueberries.

We watched the news while eating.  Internet was back on at 1800.  A lot of coverage of Trump running again.  When will the GOP get wise and dump Trump.

Tonight we watched two episodes of “The English”.  

It had just started snowing when checked Courtyard before turning in.  We are under a “winter storm warning”.  The warning will be active for several days.

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