Monday, November 28, 2022

November 26, 2022

Saturday November 26, 2022

Up at 0700.  Checked outside and the temp was in 40s.  Sun will come up at 0748.

We quickly dressed and headed to “Gathering Place” for breakfast.  The place was empty but as usual the food was good.

We took our standard drive after breakfast.  Stopped at Panera for our free coffee.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I got on bike and took a 10 mile rides.

At home showered and shaved.  Nancy and I made a quick trip to Meijer’s.  Nancy picked up a prescription and a few supplies.

At home I had quick lunch.  I did watch most of the third quarter of the UM/OSU game.  

Took a 3/4 mile walk.  It was very pleasant.  No heavy overcoat required.

We load up some pottery to send to Debbie.  Nancy told me PakMail would be closed but I said no.  Drove to PakMail and it was closed.  

For dinner we headed to Panera.  I had a bowl of Autumn Squash soup and Nancy had chicken noodle.

We watched two episodes of “Doc Martin”.  Checked Courtyard before bed.  Mild with temps above freezing overnight.


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