Tuesday, November 8, 2022

November 7, 2022

 Monday November 7, 2022

Blog time 1600 sitting in office.

Up at 0715 today.  With DST gone the sun was just coming up.  Sunrise today at 0725 vs 0825 with DST.  I can start earlier with my morning bike ride.  

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her Monday swim at MVP.

After my oatmeal I put on warm clothes for the morning ride to Y.  Noted as I was getting on the bike that the deck repair folks from the Condo Association had arrived.

Temperature for the ride was 46 with 15 mph wind.  Once again the Y was empty.  Where have the summer folks gone?

On my ride I got a call from our financial advisor from Wells Fargo.  We agreed to a phone meeting at 1400.

The Y was empty but so was Panera.  I ordered coffee and a baguette.  Read the Mi papers and worked on blog.  

At home I checked on the progress of the deck repair.  Work will be completed by 1400.  Great news.

Lunch and then I called Wells Fargo.  Productive meeting.  A plan was developed for our move to Porter Hills.

Speaking of PH we got a call from the contractor getting our Condo ready.  We will meet tomorrow at 1400 to go over final details.

Nancy and I took a short walk before dinner.  Cheerios with raspberries for dinner.  Also sourdough toast with peanut butter.

Tonight we watched the news.  5 minutes of news and 20 minutes of political ads.  The news networks must be making a fortune with all the ads.

Debbie FaceTimed to check on our health.  We gave a positive report.

Tonight we watched an  episode of Doc Martin.  It was great.

Bright full moon when checked Courtyard before bed.  Tonight around 0500 we will have a full lunar eclipse.  It don’t think I will get up for it.

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