Saturday, November 26, 2022

November 24, 2022

 Thursday November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Day

Blog time 1930 sitting in Den.

Slept in this morning until 0730.  First item on my agenda today is to find a place to buy morning coffee.  First try was Bigsby coffee.  It was open.  Ordered two large coffees.  

At home I fixed oatmeal to go with coffee.  Spent first part of morning checking email, etc.

At 1000 Nancy and I got in Fusion and took a pleasant Thanksgiving morning drive.  Drove through our old neighborhood and then downtown.  Spent an hour driving.  In keeping with the season I switched to the holiday music station.  Very pleasant.

At home I took a two mile walk.  A lot of folks were out walking.

Memories of Thanksgiving past.

Family Thanksgiving dinner at my Grandparents farm.  0ver 40 family members attended.

My first Thanksgiving away from home was in 1961.  Dinner at the BOQ, Pearl Harbor Navy Base.  Next day I was on my way to Midway Island for a 1 year, two weeks, three day, 14 hour tour.

1962 dinner at BOQ Midway Island Naval  Base.

1963 had dinner at a French Cafe in Saigon.

1965 Nancy and I had our first dinner as a married couple in Redwood City, Ca.

1965-2022, Nancy and Bob enjoyed dinner together.

Today we got our Thursday GRP.  It was tiny.  I remember when the Girls had a paper route the Thanksgivings GRP was huge with all the ads.  It was all hands on deck with Steve and I helping the girls.  Nancy had breakfast waiting for us when we got home.  Great memory.

Today we talked to my Sister, Helen, and all the kids.  Everyone seems to be having a great day.

For our Thanksgiving meal we ordered a package from D&W.  We had turkey, dressing, green beans, mashed potatoes with gravy.  Very good.  For dessert we had pumpkin pie (Costco) which was also very good.

I did not watch the lions game today.  The Lions playing on Thanksgiving is a great tradition.  My UM classmates from Detroit talked about going to the game with their Dad and Uncles and male Cousins.  The game ended about 1500.  When the got home a Thanksgiving feast prepared by the women was waiting for them.  OH for the good old days.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Doc Martin”.  As usual it was great.  I did check the courtyard before bed.  Temperature in 40s.  The great weather continues tomorrow.

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