Sunday, November 20, 2022

November 19, 2022

 Saturday November 19, 2022

Blog time 1650 Sunday sitting in living room. Once again a day late.

Up Saturday morning at 0700.  Got quickly dressed, unlocked the garage and backed out the Escape.  It has snowed most of the night and will continue snowing all day.  Temperature was low 20s.  Once again no sun.

This morning we drove to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  Because the back roads had not been plowed we took 28th Street to the restaurant.  Main roads had been plowed.

I was surprised the restaurant was crowded.  We ordered our usual items.  Took our time eating, drinking coffee and watching it snow.

After breakfast we drove up Thornapple Drive to Ada.  The snow on the trees made for a pretty drive.  Stopped at Panera to get our free coffee.  At home Nancy started the laundry.

I shoveled the drive and walk.  Made a quick trip to Y.  The Y was crowded with Saturday morning youth BB games.  Today I walked two miles.  Time of walk was 40 minutes.

Lunch and then I spent time in office reading and writing my monthly note to Grandkids.  

Late in the afternoon I put on my boots and grabbed six ears of corn.  At three locations I removed about two feet of snow and put two ears of corn in each hole.  The backyard snow was the deepest I have seen in our 6 years at the Condo.

This evening we had planned on getting a pizza from JT’s but with all the snow decided on staying home.  For dinner I had a chicken with apple frozen dinner, Lean Cuisine.  Very good.

Tonight we watched an episode of “My Life is Murder”.  Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We told her about our record snow.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  It was still snowing.  Temperature in low 20s.  Snow will continue all night but should end tomorrow afternoon.

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