Thursday, November 24, 2022

November 23, 2022

 Wednesday November 23

Blog time 1800 on Thanksgiving Day.  Sitting in living room. A day late again.

Up Wednesday at 0545.  Today I have Breakfast Club.

Quickly dressed and on my way downtown I stopped at Panera to get a coffee to take with me.  I was Panera’s first customer.

Breakfast Club was crowded this morning, 20+.  Today’s speaker was fellow club member, Rev Fettig.  The Reverend gave a talk on the first Thanksgiving.  It was a great talk.  The Reverend has researched this topic.

Stopped at the Y on way home.  Calisthenics at 50% and a mile walk.  On way home from Y stopped at Meijer’s to restock.

After lunch Nancy and I drove to D&W to pick up our Thanksgiving Dinner.  This afternoon took a short walk and then spent time in office.

For dinner tonight we drove to Panera.  I had a bowl of Autumn squash soup and Nancy had a cup of chicken noodle soup.

Tonight we FaceTimed with AJ, Debbie and Missy.  Watched an episode of McDonald and Dodds before bed.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  It was very mild.  Tomorrow, Thanksgiving, will be mild.  Most of snow should be gone by Friday.

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