Monday, November 21, 2022

November 20, 2022

 Sunday November 20, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0700.  Dressed, unlocked garage and backed out Fusion.  Our drive and walk had been shoveled early this morning.

I drove to Panera and got our coffee a orange scone for Nancy and a bagel for me.  I was Panera’s first customer today. Took a long route home to check the roads.  They were passable if one was careful.  All wheel drive helps.  

Fixed oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast.  Because of the poor condition of the roads we decided no church today.

To get my mandatory 20 minutes outside today I walked to the post box to mail note to Grandkids.  It took 40 minutes.

The Escape has had the low pressure warning light on for several days.  We drove to Meijer’s.  I dropped Nancy off and then headed to the gas station.  It cost $2 worth of quarters to put air in my tires.  I did not have the coins.

Nancy purchased grapes, and berries while I got fiber and eye drops.  Meijer’s was jammed with everyone shopping for Thanksgiving.

Dropped Nancy off at home and then headed to D&W’s gas stations.  D&W also charges 8 quarters for air.

I checked the air pressure in each tire using an old gauge I had.  Each tire had 25 psi about 10 psi low.  Also checked Fusion and got same result.  

Tomorrow I will stop at Ford garage and see what gives.  

Lunch and then a short nap.  While I was napping Debbie FaceTimed Nancy.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed scrambled eggs with blueberries.

We watched the news before switching to BritBox.  Tonight we watched two episodes of a show about a male/female crime fighting team.  I gave the show a C.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  The snow had stopped.  Temperature still below freezing. The snow is done for a week. Above freezing temps most of next week.


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