Tuesday, November 15, 2022

November 13, 2022

 Sunday November 13, 2022

Blog time 1745 sitting in office on Monday.  Yes a day late.  Always bad when I write a late blog because I cannot remember what I did 24 hours ago.

Up Sunday morning at 0645.  Made a run to Panera to get our morning coffee.  Arrived at 0700 and was told I was first customer.

Fixed oatmeal breakfast and then at 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Church was crowded today.  Trinity today celebrated Veteran’s Day.  All Veterans were told to stand.  I was surprised that out of 100+ folks only three stood.

After church we took our after church ride through rural areas.  Today we drove west.

Our realtor called.  We have a showing scheduled for 1700 on Monday.  We spent a good portion of the afternoon getting prepared.

The temperature was in 30s all day.  No bike ride but I did walk to the Y to see how difficult it was.  Surprising it was an easy walk.  Total miles 3.5.

Spent some time reading the GRP.  They had old election news.  Why do we get this paper.  Funnies and obits?

We had the house spick and span before dinner.  Dinner tonight was fried eggs on toast.

We watched an episode of “McDonald and Dodds” before bed.

Temperature in 30s when checked Courtyard before bed.  We have a cold winter week ahead.

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