Thursday, November 17, 2022

November 15, 2022

 Tuesday November 15, 2022

Blog time 1200 at Panera.

Up at 0700.  Unlocked garage and backed out Escape.  Temperature was 32 but snow had not started yet.

Nancy headed to MVP for a session on the treadmill and stationary bike.

Calisthenics, oatmeal and then checked outside and it was snowing.  No bike today.  It was snowing hard when arrived at Y.

Today is a big day in Michigan or at least it used to be.  First day of fire arm deer season.  In my youth most business closed down on opening day.  My Dad’s business sure did.

My Dad spent the first week of deer season at his hunting camp.  It was called the “Doctor’s Club”.  During the season club members hired a farm woman to cook meals.  A week at the Doctor’s Club was not roughing it but more like a country club.

The Y was not crowded.  Calisthenics and a two mile walk/run followed by a hot shower.  Before heading to Panera I had to wipe the snow off the car.  First time this year.

Nancy joined me for a short time at Panera.  Today she has a 1200 PT session.  

At home I washed a new pair of lined pants.  Washing gets rid of the stiffness in new pants.

I did take a short nap.  

This evening we had our Tuesday hot dog dinner at Leo’s.  It was snowing outside so we did not take our after dinner drive.

Our internet has been intermittently off and on all day.  We could not get on Prime tonight so no viewing of the “The English”.  We watched two episodes of “Doc Martin”.

Cold and light snow when checked Courtyard before turning in.  Winter Advisory tomorrow.


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