Wednesday, November 30, 2022

November 29, 2022

 Tuesday November 29, 2022

Blog time Wednesday at Panera, 1100.  Yes a day late again.

Tuesday I was up at 0700.  Checked outside and mild temp in mid 30s.  Good day for a bike ride.

Nancy headed to MVP at 0800.  I did the at home exercises before oatmeal breakfast.  Today I am taking my Cannondale bike with steel studded winter tires.  The tires are a bit noisy.  What is really annoying is the squeal from the brakes.  Ada Bike did not take the bike for a test run after putting on tires.  I will complain about sloppy work.

Today I took a short route to Y, 4.5 miles.  The Y was not crowded.  I did my calisthenics and a short walk before heading to Panera.

I did not spent much time at Panera because I have a busy afternoon.  At home showered and shaved.

I packed up the last of the Knick-knacks and headed to PakMor.  They will mail the package to Missy.  Next stop was the Chow Hound.  I bought a 30# bag of corn.  Nancy helped me carry the bag downstairs.

Nancy had a 1600 appointment with a neurologist at St. Mary’s.  We left home a 1515 and just made is to the doctor’s office at 1600.  Very heavy traffic.

Nancy’s Doctor is very young and inexperienced.  We complained recently spending over 2 hours at St Mary’s radiology dept.  Nancy had an MRI scheduled but was told that because of her pacemaker no MRI.  We complained that her pacemaker was on all her records.  The Doc and her boss were very defensive.  Bottom line:  Nancy will double the number of pills she is now taking.  The St Mary’s staff will try to contact another hospital, Spectrum, to see if their MRI machines are capable of handling patients with pacemakers.  We left disappointed.

It being Tuesday we stopped at Leo’s for our Tuesday hot dog.  It was a welcome relief.

At home we watched the news.  China and the weather dominated.  For our viewing we watched a Thelma-Louise type show on Netflix.  The first episode was terrible.  Since the show is only 30 minutes we watched another episode.  It was also terrible.

Missy FaceTimed tonight.  She got a message that the packages I mailed today will arrive on Friday and Monday.

Light rain and wind when checked Courtyard before bed.  Heavy winds all day tomorrow.  No bike.

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