Friday, November 4, 2022

November 3, 2022

 Thursday November 3, 2022

Blog time 1212 at Panera.

Up this morning at 0715.  The temp was in 50s when backed Escape out and brought up trash can.

We had the house ready for the 1030 showing.  I did not want to dirty the kitchen so I will have an oatmeal at Panera later.  

It was 50 when left for Y.  Temp will reach 70 this afternoon.

On my morning ride to Y I encountered three deer on edge of road.  They did not budge just looked at me as I pedaled by.

Sure sign winter is coming.  The Township has placed Stakes at side of trail.  The stakes are a guide for snow plowers.

Y was empty.

Nancy was already at Panera when I arrived.  We spent some time talking especially about our move to Porter Hills and the possibility we might have to wait until Spring to sell our Condo.

My sister, Helen,  is visiting later this month.  We always enjoy Helen’s visits.

Our washer and dryer are located in the kitchen.  They are stacked and sit in a small pantry.  When visitors come we pull a chord and drop a blind.  Today I broke the chord that raises and lowers the blind.  Found the name of the manufacturer but no local address.  

We drove to Budget Blinds to see if they sell similar blinds.  The helpful repair man put a new chord on the blind.  It only cost $20.

Two permanent brackets snap the blind into place.  Only problem I could not figure out how this simple connection works.  Stay tuned.

We had a very light dinner tonight.  We wanted to watch the news tonight but only got political ads.  I will be glad when the election is over.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Sinner” on Netflix.

Both AJ and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  They got the big package I sent last week.  

Bright moon when checked Courtyard before bed.  Tomorrow and Saturday we will have warm temps and very high winds.  In fact a wind advisory for Saturday.

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