Saturday, November 12, 2022

November 10, 2022

 Thursday November 10, 2022

Blog time 1920 sitting in den

Boy did I oversleep.  Got up at 0745.

Performed at home routine but instead of oatmeal I had a cup of yogurt.  Much quicker.  

Nancy left at 0800 for MVP.  Today is treadmill and stationary bike day for her.

It was an unseasonable 60 degrees with bright sun when left home.  Once again the Y was empty.  Did my routine and headed to Panera.  Got my coffee and baguette.  Nancy joined me 15 minutes later.  We had our morning coffee and conversation.

Left at 1200 and headed home.  Total bike miles today 9.9.

Nancy had a 1400 PT session.

 Quick lunch and then started afternoon chores.

I put my bike rack on the Bad Boy.  My shoulder pain from the backpack dictates that I carry my iPad on the bike rack.

As soon as Nancy got back from PT I put the bike rack on the Escape.  Loaded up my old Nishiki and headed to Ada Bike.  The bike will be shipped to San Jose so when we visit Debbie in February I will have a bike to ride.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed at cod dinner from Trader Joe’s.

Our viewing tonight was an episode of “Midsomer Murders”.

Temp still in high 60s when checked Courtyard before bed.  Tomorrow the temperature will reach 70s.

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