Tuesday, November 1, 2022

October 31, 2022

 Monday October 31, 2022

Halloween Day, my least favorite holiday.

Up at 0700. Unlocked garage and backed out Escape.  The temperature was in mid 50s with fog.

Nancy put on swim suit and headed to MVP for her Monday swim.  Light sprinkle when Nancy departed.

At home calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  Again made a quick check outside and sprinkle had stopped.  Decided today is a bike day.

Pedaled the 5 miles to Y. Light fog but no rain. 

After the Y I headed to Panera. Nancy and I arrived at the same time.

We got our coffee and sat and talked awhile.  After Nancy left I read the Michigan papers and finished yesterday’s blog and started todays.  It is now noon and I am heading home.

Quick shower, lunch and then started afternoon’s activities.  First stop was Good Will to drop off some clothes.  Next at D&W bought coleslaw.  I also stood in a long line to buy a Power Ball ticket for tonight’s billion dollar drawing. 

Planned on spending the rest of afternoon titavating but Nancy had just received a call from Trinity Health.  She has a Tuesday appointment to see a neurologist. Nancy has been trying weeks for this appointment.  Of course it is with a PA, not an MD.  But one takes what one can get.

Nancy was unfamiliar with the location of the neurologist office.  We took a dry run.  Because of all road construction decided I will drive tomorrow.

I also got a call to from Orthopaedic Associates.  I have a Dec 6 appointment to have a PA look at my shoulder.

Spent rest of afternoon titavating.

For dinner tonight I had a bowl of cheerios with raspberries and sour dough toast.

We watched the news.  The upcoming election dominated.  I would not want to be a pollster for the coming election.  Most folks would not give a straight answer.

Granddaughter Akerke FaceTimed Nancy this evening.  Nancy enjoys talking with Grandkids.

Tonight we watched another episode of “My Life is Murder”.  I think one more episode remaining in series.

We have lived on Tahoe Dr for 8 years and never had a trick or treater.  Want to keep it that way.  Turned off outside lights and pulled the blinds.  When checked outside before turning in saw no evidence of any visitors.

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