Monday, October 31, 2022

Oct 30, 2022

 Sunday October 30, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in den.

Originally we had planned on not attending church today.  We thought we had too much preparation to do for the afternoon showing.

Checked downstairs and saw a picture frame had broken free from the wall.  I had some super-duper hangers recently purchased at Ace. The instructions were confusing so I goggled the hanger name and we watched a YouTube video on how to install. It worked.  Saved by the internet.

We rechecked the house and everything looked ok for the showing.  We quickly dressed and headed to Trinity Lutheran.  We made it with one minute to spare.

Today is Reformation Sunday.  A big day in the Lutheran Church.  500 years ago Martin Luther printed the Bible in German.  First time normal German citizens could read the Bible.  It was the start of the Protestant reformation.

We were suppose to wear red.  Most folks forgot.  I did have on a pair of my favorite red wool socks.

After church we took a short ride through rural areas of southern Kent County.  Very pleasant.

While on our ride I got text from Realtor saying today’s showing was canceled because of sickness.  Bummer after all our work.

This and that:

Last week we Voted.  For many offices I wrote in my name.  I cannot believe the low caliber of many candidates.

The political TV ads and phone calls have been very nasty.

As I have mentioned in the past I am turned off by Professional and College sports.  Money controls.  I did not watch a minute of the UM/MSU game.

I sure hope we don’t abandon Ukraine.  A GOP leader is talking that way.

What is with the Stockmarket.  Despite inflation and bad news it keeps going up.

No bike ride today,  instead I took a two mile walk. Followed by a nap.

For dinner tonight we finished Nancy’s omelette from yesterday. Also had buttered sourdough toast and coleslaw.

We watched several episodes 60 Minutes before switching to Acorn.  Watched another episode of “My Life Is Murder”.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  Dark and a hint of rain in the air.

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