Wednesday, October 5, 2022

October 4, 2022

 Tuesday October 4, 2022

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Up at 0700.  Unlocked garage and backed out Escape.  Sunrise today at 0743. The temperature was 38 but will reach 70 later.

Nancy headed out at 0800 for MVP.  Today she rides the stationary bike.

Calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  

Dressed for cold ride.  I found a pair of Eddie Bauer lined pants.  Fit great. Headed to Y, 5 miles.

Normal routine at Y except no push-ups.  Total time 30 minutes.

Arrived at Panera at 1100.  Got my coffee and baguette, finished yesterday’s blog and read Alpena and Detroit News.

This and that:

Today is Grandson Lucas Alexander Scott birthday.  He is 17 years.  Lucas is in his senior year at Long Beach Poly HS.  Next year he is attending UC Irving.  Lucas will play baseball.

Nancy and I got to know Lucas better during his visit to GR.  Great kid.  Happy Birthday Lucas.

At home shaved and showered before quick lunch.

This afternoon I loaded up the Fusion with a computer monitor and a printer capable of printing 12” x 18” engineering drawings.  I took this equipment of Cogent Engineering.  Jennifer Dougherty owner of Cogent will make use of the equipment.  

We sat and talked for about an hour.  Jennifer is a superstar engineer.

I got turned around on my way home.  Drove 20 miles before I got squared away.  It was embarrassing. 

For dinner Nancy and I walked to Leo’s for our Tuesday night hot dog.

I thought every Tuesday a new episode of “Shetland” would be on.  Not the case so we watched “Wanted”.

Debbie FaceTime this evening.  Everything ok.  She purchased her ticked to come to GR on the 15th.

Missy also FaceTimed.  We talked about Amherst College new rule, “if one person wants to wear a mask the entire class must wear a mask.  Missy pointed out how stupid the rule is.  If everyone has a mask Missy with her hearing problems cannot read lips.  This rule is major league discrimination.  I hope she contacts Amherst.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Bright moon.  Morning temps in low 40s but will reach 70s later.

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