Monday, October 24, 2022

October 23, 2022

 Sunday October 23, 2022

Up this morning to an empty house.  Debbie and Helen left yesterday.  It was lonely.

First thing I drove to Panera to get Nancy and my coffee.

Quick oatmeal breakfast and then at 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  It was a beautiful day.  Temps will reach mid 70s.

Church was very crowded today.  

We did take a short trip to Lowell after church.  Colors were great.

At home we got a call from Debbie.  Both she and Helen had tested positive for Covid.

We got out our self test.  Both Nancy and I were negative.  Good news for us.

For the first time in a week I did take a bike ride, 9 miles.  Good to be back on bike.

We spent the rest of the day uncluttering.  Made several trip to Good Will.

I called Clean Sweep yesterday and they will pick up unneeded junk.  I started filling the garage with old rugs, broken furniture, etc. Have a large pile in the garage.

My final activity for the day was a nap.  Is a nap an activity?

Toast and pudding for dinner tonight.  

We did watch some of 60 Minutes tonight.  Switched to BritBox and watched a crime show.  

It was still warm when checked Courtyard before bed.  Another warm day tomorrow.

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