Sunday, October 16, 2022

October 15, 2022

 Saturday October 15, 2022

Blog time 1930 sitting in den

Up this morning at 0700.  

Saturday morning so we had breakfast at “Gathering Place”.

Day’s activities:

Two mile walk.

Continued cleaning up Condo for the 1600 showing.

Trip to Meijer’s to restock food supplies.

According to our realtor showings are usually 45 minute duration.

Left home at 1530.

Took a short ride.  We did swing by the Condo at 1600 and two cars were parked in drive. Made a stop at D&W.  I bought a tuna salad sandwich for dinner.

Checked Condo at 1700 and the cars were gone.

Had tuna sandwich for dinner along with blueberries.

Tonight we watched another episode of “True Lies”

Left for airport at 2115.  Debbies estimated arrival time is 2150.

Dropped Nancy off at terminal and I parked in cell phone lot.

Got a call from Nancy at 2155 that she and Debbie were outside the United entrance.

Debbies flight went well.

At home spent some time talking.

Bed time tonight was near midnight.

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