Sunday, October 9, 2022

October 7, 2022

 Friday October 7, 2022

Blog time 1630 sitting in office

Recap of activities:

Up at 0700.  Nancy headed out to MVP for her morning swim.

Calisthenics, breakfast and then biked to Y.  

Temperature 38 but sunny.  I was dressed properly so did not get cold.

Y was empty as was Panera.

Left Panera at 1200 because Senior Movers are coming at 1300.

We want to know our role in the move.

Almost got home when I got phone saying we have to cancel the meeting with movers.  Bummer.

Shower and then light lunch.

Nancy and I drove to Costco for supplies.

Light meal for dinner tonight.

I cannot recall what we watched on TV tonight.  

Bright moon when checked Courtyard before bed.  Noted two deer watching me from across Tahoe.

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