Friday, October 7, 2022

October 6, 2022

 Thursday October 6, 2022

Got up early today, 0630.  We have a busy day ahead. No Y or MVP for Bob and Nancy.

This morning we have an appointment at 1030 to see our new apartment at Porter Hills.  

I did my normal calisthenics routine at home.  At 0900 drove to Panera for a coffee.  Found time to read the Alpena and Detroit News.

At 1000 we drove to Porter Hills.  We were met by David Hendrickson, the Sales Counselor.

We were shown Apartment 228 of Porter Hills, Cook Valley Estates.  The apartment has a square footage of 1,370.

The recent tenant had just moved out.  The place was bare.  I had taken some existing furniture measurement and found most of our existing furniture will fit except:

Our dining room table.  

The twin beds and associated pieces in the basement.

My big office desk.  

Porter Hills will remove and replace all appliances, cupboards, and rugs.  Before we move in the apartment will be completed renovated.

The renovation is expected to take about 3 months.

Nancy and I liked the apartment and put down a deposit and signed ownership papers.  A major step for us.

At home I put on bike clothes and headed out on a 9.5 mile ride.  Temperature in mid 60s.  Nancy had a 1500 appointment with a firm that makes shoe inserts.  It was a total bust because she already had the inserts that were prescribed.

Late lunch today.  I will have a bowl of soup for dinner.

This and that:

Random mass shooting are occurring daily.  How about eliminating the open carry laws.  Make it against the law to carry a gun.

Russian men are fleeing the draft by crossing the Bering Sea to Alaska.

The Feds are about to charge President Biden’s son.  That is all the president needs is a major distraction.

The President Is making a big deal about his efforts to protect Women rights.  He is all in on abortions.  Yet he left Afghanistan without a whimper, leaving millions of women living under strict rules that destroy their rights.

For dinner tonight we had chicken noodle soup with blueberries.

Tonight we watched the last episode of “Wanted”.  Great show.  

Clear and cold when checked courtyard before bed.  Low tonight 38 and high tomorrow will be in 40s.

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