Monday, October 24, 2022

October 22, 2022

 Saturday October 22, 2022

Blog time 2130 sitting in downstairs office.

Set alarm last night for 0530.  Got right up when alarm went off.

Today Debbie has an early morning flight to San Jose.

The temperature was in 50s and will reach 76 later.  Big warmup.

Dropped Nancy and Debbie off at United Gate.  I then parked in short term lot and joined them in terminal.  At boarding time we said our goodbyes.  Debbies plane departed on time.

Debbie was a great help during her visit.  Through her efforts we almost completed our downsizing.

On way home Nancy and I stopped at Panera.  Bought ourselves coffee and split a scone.  The place was empty.  After 20 minutes we bought Helen a coffee and scone and headed home.

Today Helen’s church is having their Michigan annual meeting.  It is on zoom.  Started at 0800 and finished at 1200.

This morning I did find time for a 1.25 mile walk.

After the walk Nancy and I started cleaning the garage.  We took garden tools,  and other items we stored in garage to Good Will.  Four trips.

I did spent some time sweeping our concrete slap below the wood deck.  It now looks clean.

After Helen’s zoom meeting she took a 30 minutes nap.  The nap seemed to refresh her.  Helped her load her car and she was on her way to Coldwater.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.  Debbie’s trip was smooth.  She FaceTimed us this evening.  She was glad to be home.  Violet and her cats liked the folks who spent the week at her house.

For dinner we had finished the leftovers.  Tonight we sat in the den and watched a BritBox crime show.  We both fell asleep during the show.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  It was mild with a crescent moon. Warm weather continues through Tuesday.

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