Sunday, October 2, 2022

October 1, 2022

Saturday October 1, 2022

Blog time 1700 sitting in office

Up at 0730.  Took our pills and then headed to “Gathering Place” for breakfast.

Nancy had Western Omelette.  I had 2 eggs sunny side up with bacon and hash browns.  Of course we both had coffee.

At the GP I talked to a K&R equipment operator I have know for years.  He and his wife were very sad.  They lost their winter home in FL to the hurricane.

After breakfast we took a short drive.  Ended up at Meijer’s. Our major purchase was dishwasher soap.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I took an eleven mile bike ride.  It was sunny with temps in 50s.

Shaved and showered before lunch.

Spent the rest of afternoon in office.

This and that:

At 1700 UM won and MSU is struggling.

Big rally in Detroit area tonight featuring former President Trump.  As I have said many times before Trump is a cancer on the Mi GOP.

The LAUSD is being under attack by ransom crooks.  The school district has refused to pay.  Sure hope they catch these crooks.

The Miami Herald said the temperature in Miami will drop to 60s.  Most residents cannot handle this cold.  Wimps. 

Tonight we are having dinner at “Bagger Dave’s”.  BG has great hamburgers.

Got to Bagger Daves at 1800.  Easily found a table.  Best burgers in town and we never have trouble finding a table.  Of course I had my burger with a glass of wine.  Nancy had toasted cheese with water.

After dinner we took a short ride around Airport.  Along 36th St we saw a herd of over 10 deer feeding.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Wanted”.  We still have several more seasons to go.

Melissa FaceTimed this evening.  She knew about the ransom attack on the LAUSD.  It was hot in LA.  

Temperature in 50s when checked Courtyard before bed.  Forecast say mild dry days through next Wednesday.

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