Sunday, October 30, 2022

October 28, 2022

 Friday October 28, 2022

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

Up at 0700.  Immediately checked temperature.  It was 36 and at sunrise, 0812, it will be sunny.  A nice day in my book.  Unlocked garage door and backed out Escape.

Nancy left at 0800 for her morning swim at MVP.

Calisthenics, oatmeal and then put on warm bike clothes and headed out.  Today I switched bike helmets.  Put on my winter helmet which does not have not have as many vent holes as the summer one.

Pleasant 5 mile ride to the Y.  Once again the Y was not crowded.  I did all my morning routine except push-ups.  Today I will call a Doctor to make an appointment to have someone look at my shoulder.

After the Y I pedaled to Panera.  Just sat down when Nancy walked in.  We talked for 30 minutes.

At home we spent the rest of the day titavating.  Nancy keeps pointing out places that need downsizing.  Made several trips to Good Will.

For dinner tonight we started out at Shepard’s Grill.  It was crowded, no table available.  Same thing with Cascade Road House.  We finally ended up at Sundance.  Sundance has changed their menu to a Southwest theme.  Much too spicy.  Ended up with eggs and toast.

At home we watched an episode of “Death in Paradise”.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Nice crescent moon and mild temps.  

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