Saturday, October 22, 2022

October 21, 2022

 Friday October 21, 2022

Up this morning at 0700.

Made a quick trip to Panera.

Got coffee for sister, Helen, Nancy and me.

For breakfast ate some of the coffee cake Helen had made.  Very good.

Today Debbie, Nancy and I spent the entire day downsizing.

I made about 6 trips to Good Will delivering a lot of kitchen items, and clothing.

Made a trip to library to drop off many old text books.

Our recycle and trash containers are almost full.

It was a busy day but at the end of the day I could see we made great progress in downsizing.  

For dinner tonight we had a chicken casserole Helen had made.  It was very good.  Also home made apple sauce and salad.

We spent the rest of the evening sitting and the living room chatting.

It was mild and clear when checked Courtyard.  Big warm up coming tomorrow.

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