Tuesday, October 11, 2022

October 10, 2022

Monday October 10, 2022

 Blog time 1115 at Panera

Up at 0700.  Unlocked garage and backed out Escape.  The sun was just coming up.  The temperature was 38 but will hit mid 60s later.

Nancy headed out for her morning swim at MVP.  I did standard morning routine.  Put on cold weather bike clothes and pedaled the 5 miles to Y.  

The Y was empty.  Calisthenics and then a walk.  Lately I have been attempting to run a short distance.  Longest distance so far is 0.05 mi.  Hope to be able to run a lap by end of Oct.  A lap is 0.2 mile.

This afternoon Nancy and I have our annual wellness check.  We also hope to get a flu and Covid shot.

Left home at 1300 for UM’s local office at intersection of East Beltline and Lake Drive.  Our new GP is Dr Riley.  Nancy was first.  Dr Riley followed the same procedure as our old GP.  Nancy passed with flying colors.  We did complain to Dr Riley that he has not yet gotten Nancy an appointment with a neurologist.  A big bone of contention.

My exam was like Nancy’s except two blood sample were taken.  I have an iron deficiency.

We both received our Covid and flu shots. The jury is still out on our opinion of Dr Riley.

At home I got on the phone and made appointments with;

The contractor who will renovate our Porter Hills unit.

Our realtor who we gave the green light to sell the condo.

The movers. 

No lunch today so I lunch at dinner time.

We did watch the news.  The President still is tongue tied.  The GOP slate of candidates for national office is poor.  Trump’s ugly headed keeps popping up.

Tonight we watched a short 30’ crime show whose name escapes me.  It was terrible.  

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We gave a positive report.

When checked Courtyard before bed the moon was still full and bright.  How many days is a full moon?

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