Monday, October 10, 2022

October 9, 2022

 Sunday October 9, 2022

Blog time 1600 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700.  Temperature was 38 so I put on my corduroy pants.  Also I wore my Irish fisherman sweater and corduroy sport coat.  A perfect fall outfit.

Quick trip to Panera to get our coffee.  I also purchased a bagel to go with my oatmeal.

We left for Trinity at 0845.  We had a very good crowd for the 0915 service.  The church has a large number of children that attend weekly.  This is good for the long term health of the Church.

After church we made a dry run to a north end Panera.  Nancy is meeting Karen Horlings there for lunch next week.  She wanted to be sure of the location.

Today’s ride was east toward Parnell.  Beautiful fall day.  

We did stop at Meijer’s.  I resupplied my breakfast foods.

Today I took an 8 mile bike ride.  Strong west wind so I selected a route so would have the wind at my back.

Showered and then a quick lunch.  During lunch I watched some of the Lions game.  It seems that a Lion was hurt on every play.  The Lions once again lost.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed me a fried egg on toast with blueberries.  Very good.

We watched several segments of 60 Minutes before switching to  Acorn and watched the last episode of “Crownies”.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Temp in low 50s with again a bright moon.  It will be cold tomorrow morning, 30s.

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