Saturday, October 15, 2022

October 14, 2022

Friday October 14, 2022

Blog time 1800 on Saturday.  Yes a day late

Up early this morning, 0630.  Today we have our realtor stopping by at 0900.  

Quickly dress and make a quick run to Panera to get our coffee. I also bought myself a bagel.  The bagel will be today’s breakfast.

Ashley O’Neil arrived at 0900.  We discussed the proposed sales contract.  Everything looked ok so we signed it.  

After the meeting Nancy drove me to Ada Bike.  I picked up my Bad Boy and pedaled home.  Nancy headed to book club.

At home I finished my calisthenics and showered.  Took a short nap.

Lunch today was oatmeal and dinner was yogurt.

Got a call from the realtor saying that a showing has been scheduled for Saturday at 1600.

Tonight we watched another episode of the Lucy Lawless “My Life is Murder”.  Like this show.

It was cold low 40s when checked Courtyard before bed.  Temperature will drop to low 30s tonight 

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